Chapter 9.

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Jasmine's POV

It has been two weeks and I am currently putting on some clothes while Adri got the twins dressed to go to mom's house. I set an reminder for practice at five. "How do you look so cute in everything?" Adri grumbles pecking my cheek. I blush hearing mom come in from the hallway. I kissed the twins as Adri took them to mom and dad.

I checked the time and let out a small sigh. "We need to go baby," I said grabbing my phone and keys. "Let's go," Adri mumble holding the door open for me while Sam got in through the back seat. I kissed her cheek and got into my car. I let out a small squeal as I head to the area where she's holding the photo shoot. "I was waiting for it," Adri chuckles as I smile and put my shades on.

We arrived to the location and I excitedly hopped out the car, earning a warning growl from Adri. "I'ma let it slide because you're excited," she mumbles as I pout and hold my arms up. "Big baby," I laugh as she hugged me and spin me in a circle. "Your big baby," she chuckles licking her lip. 

"Name," I hear someone mumble as I shown them the card. "No fans," the body guard said placing his hand on Adri's shoulder. I gripped his hand and glared at him. "One, that's my wife and bodyguard. Two, do not touch her without my permission," I spat as he groaned in pain. 

I held my hand up to his face and easily walked pass him. "Damn baby, calm down," Adri chuckle wrapping her arms around my waist. "Nigga got some nerves putting his hands on my wife like my black ass won't throw hands," I mumble feeling her grip my waist. "As sexy as you sound with your Southern accent, calm your small ass down," she mumbles making me smile and look up at her.

"You love my southern accent?" I blush as she twirl me around and look at me. "Absolutely," she reply causing me to hide my cheeks as we look around. "Oh, Jasmine," I hear that deep southern voice making me internally squeak as I turn around and see Beyoncé in her clothing brand. 

I smile feeling the tight clothing. "Alright, I had Michelle to come here since she is known for doing celebs hair. You have a small room to get dressed in so let's get this thang started," she smile showing some type of silver in her mouth. "Alright!" I laughed giving her an high five.

She led me to the small dressing room that had her clothes I will be modeling in. "Hey Juju," Michelle said once Beyoncé opened the door. "Hey Mimi," I smile looking at the clothes biting my lip. "These are hot," I whistled hearing Beyoncé chuckle and thank me. "Sam, guard the door," Adri said as Michelle pulled me into the chair and straightened it out. 

After she did my hair, I grabbed the first clothing that Beyoncé had out in order which was the pink monogram top and pants. "Damn," Adri gulp while looking at me. I smile and put on the shoes she want me to wear with it then walked out feeling like a bad bitch. "Yeah, that's my bestie," Michelle laughed then called my name as I watch Beyoncé snap pictures. 

She was in complete model mode and I bit my lip letting Tati take over.

Tati's POV

"Oh, we do look good," I hum turning towards Michelle as she placed the beanie on my head. "Uh, oh," she smirk doing our handshake while smiling at me. "Fine as always," she laugh as I wink and fold my arms. Adri on the other hand starred at me with her mouth open while walking towards me.

"Wow," she mumble twirling me around as I feel a presence behind me. "You look amazing," Beyoncé complimented as I lift Adriana's mouth up while I kept my eyes on Beyoncé. "I'm buying you all of this," Adri mumbles as Bey pulled me towards a truck that looks exactly like my outfit. "Hmm, let's try to get you on the hood," Bey said as I easily got on the hood and look at Adri and Michelle.

I leaned on my hands and look at Adri with a seductive look. "Perfect!" The photographer said taking pictures as I moved and laid down on my back and prop my feet on top of the windshield. "You're a natural, let's get you in some more clothes," the photographer said as me and Bey swap places.

We took countless of pictures with me and Bey getting complimented back to back. "I'm glad I found you, you're amazing at this," Bey said as I smile and held my arms. "Oh, it's like another side of me," I sigh feeling the latex hug my figure. "Oh really? And does this person has a name?" She snicker as I held my hand out. "Call me Tati," I giggle as she held her hand out. "Call me Giselle or Sasha," she laughed as I bit my lip to refrain myself from doing my ugly laugh.

"Oh, before you go. I will have a package be sent to your address of the clothes that you modeled for me and a digital copy of the photos. You can post the shoes but I will send a schedule when to post certain clothes. Just to tease them. I'm going to freeze the world with this," she laughs as I nod my head and went through my phone.

"Are you sure you wanted to do this for free?" Bey asks before I walked away. "I'm positive! I've modeled for an inspirational black woman. Keep doing ya thang Bey," I said waving then walked towards my room to change back into my regular clothes.

I posted the shoes, immediately seeing thousands of people view and like it. "I'm verified," I laughed shaking my head. "Ou, you posted the shoes," Michelle said showing me she liked it as I post it on my story too. 

"You know it! Now where is a food spot around here? I'm hungry," I sigh feeling my stomach growl. "Let's go my beautiful queen," Adri said holding her hand out as I walk in front of her with my hands laced with hers. "Damn," I hear Adri mumble already knowing she's starring at my ass. "Adri," I said in a warning tone as Sam held the door open for us. "I can stare. It's mines," she grumble making me lift my head up and look at her. "You're absolutely right," I winked biting my lip and got in the car.


The photo shoot?

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