Chapter 35.

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Jasmine's POV

"Come on, love." I hear Adri say from the other side of the bathroom door. I sigh checking myself before I walked out the bathroom. "Daaamn," Adri mumble as I opened the door. "Adriana," I gasp as she smiled and peck my lips. "They're downstairs eating their fruits. You look amazing in suits," she hum pecking my lips.

"You too," I said putting on my heels. "You and those heels," Adri laugh exiting our room. I bit my lip and grab my purse and phone. "Let's go," she hums grabbing her keys and walked to the garage. "Is everyone at the airport already?" I ask helping her buckle them in. "Yeah," she hums opening the door for me. "Thank you gorgeous," I smile getting in. "You're welcome beautiful," she smirk closing the door.

We finally arrived to Studio 1 for the show. "Ah, you're finally here. Follow me," I hear who I'm guessing is the assistant director. "Cool," Zayden mumble looking around. I held Titan close to me as Adri did the same to Makayla. "Do you all need a dressing room? You all look amazing already," he chuckle as I lean my head on Adriana.

"Ah, not now," I hum as he nod his head and gave us pointers. "Alright, let's get the rest of you seated," he said as we handed them the twins. "I'm always nervous," Adri mumble as we watched Ellen get on stage. "Don't be. You're perfect," I hum watching her greet the audience. I saw the assistant director guide us towards the stage and gives up a thumbs up.

"They're the couple everyone wish to have and became famous from their relationship, business, and trips. Give it up, for Mrs. and Mrs. Morningstar-Matts," Ellen said as Adri grab my hand and walk onto the stage. "Careful," she mumble helping me down the steps as the audience cheered.

I hugged Ellen and stood in front of my seat. "We love you!" I hear someone yell causing me to blush and hide my face. "Awn," Adri laughed waving to the audience. She waited until I sat down before her and took a seat. I crossed my legs as Adri rest her arm behind me.

Oh, we're just eating this up. I hear Justice mumble causing me to look at Adri and smile.

"Wow," Ellen laughed sitting back in her seat. "Mommy," I hear one of our babies giggle still clapping. I smile and looked to them smiling. "Hi babies," I smile blowing them a kiss. "Precious little ones indeed," She smiled crossing her legs.

"Okay, I have a couple of questions for you two because you two have became very influential to many teenagers and adults across the world," she said as I bit my lip and relaxed my hand on Adri's thigh. "You've became so popular that you've had Beyoncé to have you two and your babies to be on her clothing line," she said as I see pictures of us and the twins.

"Omg, yes," I smile hearing Adri chuckle. "It was such an amazing experience and she was so sweet," I said seeing the photos change to me and Beyoncé posing. "The kids was loving it too," Adri chuckle as we look over to them. "And before that, you and the 'Chaotic Six' went on a trip right before that. Who came up with the name Chaotic Six?" She ask making us snicker and sit up.

"Oh, I remember this! We were at Keens Steakhouse and Jasmine was doing her little cute dance every time she get food," Adri started sitting up and place her hand on mines. "Michelle recorded her this time and I just said that they was chaotic. Jasmine said and I quote, 'we're the chaotic six love'." She said making me cover my mouth cackling at her imitation of my voice.

"I do not sound like that," I laugh as she looked at me smiling. "That was pretty close though," Ellen butted in. "To be clear, the Chaotic Six is you and your friends you brought with you, correct?" She ask as the cameras pointed to them. "Yeah, everyone probably know them by now but the engaged couple that's holding our nuggets are Zayden and Zariah," Adri said waving towards them smiling. "And my annoying sister and my bestfriend, who are madly in love with each other, Michelle and Symone," I said as Symone scowled at me playfully.

"Wow, so you all are dating within the group," Ellen smiled looking at us. "Yeah, we're pretty chaotic when it's just us," I laughed making her give me a look. "Speaking of Chaotic, I see you had some fun for someone's birthday," she said causing me to perch my lips. "Yes, I happily get to share my birthday with my babies," Adri smiled as the twins reached for us with a pout and Ellen show a picture of them eating their cake.

"Yeah, they had an amazing time," Adri chuckles slouching in her seat and grabbed my hand. "And when the kids was gone, you two had some fun also," Ellen said as a video of Adri pouring alcohol in my mouth. "Oh my-" I gasp covering my face while the crew laughed their asses off. Ellen began laughing as more photos of the things we done that night, including the whip cream.

"Care to explain?" Ellen laughed as I felt my hands being moved. "Well, we had to celebrate her birthday some way," I laughed leaning my head on Adriana. I heard cheers and laughter from the crowd as my face continued to burn. 

"Okay, okay. Besides your partying, what is your fear?" Ellen ask making me squint my eyes. "Uh uh, is someone about to pop out that box?" I ask scooting over, basically sitting in Adri lap. "I've been watching your shows," I laughed as Adri wrapped her arms around me. "No, no. There's no one in there," she laughed as Adri sat me next to her. "Alright, if anyone in there, I'm saying sorry in advance if I hit you," I laugh holding Adri hand.

"She's not scared of anything, that I know of but I know what I'm scared of," Adri said making me look at her with my eyes squinted. "What?" I ask tracing the pattern on the back of her hand. "I always had a fear of losing you," she hums leaning back as I pout at her. "Awn," I hear Ellen mumble then bring out a snake. "Well we thought you would be more fearful of this," she said as a man held a snake close to me. "Oh, I love all animals. Zay is the one scared of sakes," I laughed picking it up and allow it to wrap around me.

"Oh, wow," Ellen said as the audience gasp at me. "Zay, you want to hold him?" I smirk walking towards him. "Jazz, get back man," he said placing Ty in Michelle's lap and move back. I let out my cackle and went back to Adri and Ellen. "I guess we'll take him back. If you don't mind," she laugh taking a seat as I gave it back to the man. "We'll be back with some fun games, right after the break." I hear her say along with a bell sounding
(To be continued...)

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