Chapter 66.

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Jasmine's POV

"Come on baby, it's been a good month since we actually did something?" Adri whined kissing down my throat. "I know baby and you know why I've been making you wait," I pout running my hand down her stomach.

"Just a quickie, I don't think I'ma make it," she rushed pulling me to her and grind against me. "Baby, we've still been having sexy. I just haven't been giving you any pussy," I mumble pulling away and grip her jaw.

"Fine, I'm getting on the game," she grumble grabbing her controller and earphones. I looked at her shaking my head then grab my phone seeing Michelle texted in the group chat. I snickered at the text of them telling me how needy their significant other is. 

"Hey baby?" Adri called making me look at her and smile. "Yeah?" I hum walking up to her as her eyes stay glued to the screen. "Apparently someone thinks you're an housewife," she laughed causing me to laugh and shake my head. "How can I be a housewife when I save lives for a living?" I ask pecking her lips.

"I don't know, mamas. Folks just trying to get under my skin I guess," she chuckle then let out a taunting laugh as she won a round on Call of Duty. "Don't let them. Oh, Symone got her thing," I whisper then blushed covering my face. "Her thi- oh!" She laughed realizing what I was talking about.

"That's all I'm saying because I really do not want to talk about my sister's sex life," I mumble going into the closet and got out of my clothes. I bit my cheek trying to figure out what the hell we're going to wear. 

"Baby?" I called walking out the closet with my hands on my hips. "Yeah, be- got damn! Why you walking in here looking like that. Come here," she mumble biting her lip. "Adri, stop," I laugh feeling her pull me towards her with her powers.

"Just li-" she began causing me to cover her face. "Tonight we're going to the movies with the crew then I'm all yours," I mumble pecking her lips. "Really?" She smile as I nod my head. "Say less then," she mumble letting me go then smack my ass.

"You got one more time to smack my ass Adriana," I laugh going back into the closet. "It's a habit, love!" She shout as I groan and stomp out the closet. 

"I came back in here to ask what we're wearing tonight," I snicker pulling my curly hair up. "I- um. Babe, you're distracting me," she mumble glancing to me while licking her lips. "Fine, I'll put a robe on. Now tell me what you're going to wear?" I pout leaning against the door frame of the closet.

"You still look fine," she grumble causing me to laugh and shake my head. "Alright, khaki pants and black Hilfiger  button down shirt," she mumble earning a small smile from me. "Oh, we're rocking Hilfiger tonight," I danced going into the closet and grab our outfits.

"Should I wear flats or heels? Taking shots or pills?" I sang moving around the room. "Babe, what?" Adri laugh while pressing buttons furiously. "I don't know. I'm just being goofy," I giggle climbing on the bed and start jumping.

"Okay, monkey. Come here," she chuckles using her powers lift me. "I'm your monkey," I snicker making myself float upside down in front of her. "Love, get down," she chuckle earning a pout. "No, I'm bored and the babies are sleep so I have no one to play with," I sigh making myself stand then straddle her lap. "I-" she paused then blushed. "Shut up," she rushed into the mic then grip my ass. 

"You look beautiful, love." I turned around and saw Adri staring at me with pure love and happiness. "Thank you baby," I blush as her eyes stare into mines. "Let's go put the twins in the car," she trailed off grabbing the keys to her Range and our phones. "Okay!" I squealed running downstairs to our nuggets.

I went down and helped her buckle them in then held the door open for her. "Thank you, daddy," she teased making me clench my jaw and nod my head. "You're definitely welcome, gorgeous," I mumble feeling my mouth water just to taste her.

I closed her door for her then got in the driver's side. "What movie are we going to watch?" I ask glancing back to the kids. "Uh, mom and dad wanted to watch a movie with them so we're going to give them to her and dad." She said biting her lip.

"Okay, we can watch What Men Want," I laugh lowly then found a park close to the building. "They're waiting for us in the arcade so I'm guessing we're early," Jasmine giggle and grab a talkative Titan. 

"You're talking, huh?" I hum getting my little princess nugget. "Mama tugga," I cooed kissing her cheeks as we went up to the stand. I got our tickets and quickly paid before Jasmine thought about reaching in her purse to grab her money.

"Come on, we can win some games for our nuggets," she squeal as we went straight to the arcade. I saw everyone doing their own thing making me smile and try to win my nuggets a bear. 

"Yo A, how do you control this thing?" Symone whisper pointing to her lower area. "What do you mean?" I laugh seeing Michelle reach for Makayla. I gave her to her then turn my attention fully to Symone. "Like everything she does and start to get you know," she blush whispering very lowly.

"Oh, you're excited. Totally normal and just try to adjust it to make it seem less visible," I laugh lowly while glancing to Jasmine. "She does it on purpose," Sy breathed while staring off behind me. "It's worth it though." I smile as she nod then tried to adjust herself without anyone else noticing.

"Hey, where are my grand babies?" Ma said making Symone freeze and try to cover herself. I tried to contain my laughter, earning a punch to the shoulder. "Is that how you treat your queen?" I laugh lowly watching her eyes widen then bow her head.

"I'm joking, Sy. Let's go," I laugh and pulled her towards mama and Samael. "I love you nuggets," I pout as they held my nosy children. "Say see you later mama," ma said as I kissed them both along with Jasmine.

"Alright, let's go watch this bomb movie," Zayden shout wrapping his arm around Zariah. "Alright, see you all after the movie," she said walking off while me and Jasmine pout and watch them leave. "Oh, come on. You will literally see them after the movie," Michelle hum pulling us to the theater room. 
(To be continued...)

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