Chapter 31.

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Adriana's POV

"Baby," I hear my wife's voice mumble along with kisses going up my neck. "Hmm," I mumble pulling her onto me as I fell asleep again. "No, wake up. I made breakfast," I hear her pout as my eyes opened widely. "Oh, yes ma'am," I said pecking her lips and got out of bed. "Wait," she whined causing me to stop and turn to her. She walked to me and jumped into my arms.

"Happy Birthday," she smile pecking my lips. "Thank you beautiful," I smile gripping her waist. "Get the babies, then come downstairs," she smile sliding down me. "Of course, beautiful," I mumble watching her run out the room.

I smile and shook my head, going to the twins room. "Hey, mamas nuggets," I coo seeing them stand up in their cribs. "Mama," Titan giggle as Makayla yawn reaching for me. "Let's go see what mommy has going on," I smile after washing our faces. 

I carefully went downstairs then went to the kitchen. "Happy birthday babies," she smile holding up the twins favorite fruits with cut pancakes and my favorite breakfast meal. "Awn, look nuggets," I smile as she held her phone up.

"Thank you baby," I smile walking to her and give her a kiss. She placed their breakfast in their high chairs then sat my plate in front of my chair. "What about you?" I frowned earning a small giggle while placing the babies in their seat. "I ate while cooking," she smile holding her phone up. "I'm going to record everything," she said as I stuffed my mouth with her delicious pancakes. "Well not everything," she giggle as I look up at her with that look as I continue to stuff my mouth.

I saw her pointing the camera at me while smiling so widely. "Savor it babe," she giggle then turn towards the twins. "Happy Birthday nuggets," she coo as I smile and snap a quick picture. "I get to share my birthday," I smile doing a small air fist pump. "Awn, you look so happy," Jasmine smile as we finish our breakfast.

"Okay, go get ready for the babies party," she squeal cleaning their mouth then picked them up. "You're more excited then them," I laugh lowly as I followed her to the twins room. "Because I planned everything out," I hear her squeak while dressing them up. "I'm matching them, then I'll change tonight," I said biting my lip.

"I'm going to wear one of your chains," I hear her hum earning a smile from me. "Your birthday is a special occasion," she giggle then carried them downstairs to the living room. I took that as my chance to see her beautiful attire. "Woman loves her heels," I chuckle hearing her clicks as I changed into the black and gold outfit.

"Nice," I hum taking a quick picture in the mirror. I put on my chain and watch most definitely feeling myself as I walked down the steps. "You look amazing baby," I hear Jasmine mumble holding up her keys and diaper bag. "What time is it?" I ask wondering why we're leaving so early.

"Half past one and we're late," she said picking up the babies and walk to my Range. I wait until she placed the twins in their seat before tossing me the keys. "You remember?" She ask as I held the door open for her. "Yeah, baby," I smile watching her get in.

I went over to the passenger side and got in. "Sam and Azael should be waiting for us when we get there," she squeal holding up her phone taking pictures and videos. "We're going to have some fun today," she said as I pulled up to the rental building.

"I hope so," I smile helping her out of the car then grabbed the twins. "Did you get paparazzi or they knew we was here?" I ask wrapping my arm around her shoulder while holding Makayla in my other arm. "They saw me setting up yesterday," she sigh as Azael and Sam helped us through the cameras and people. 

We finally made it in the building and let out a small sigh. "Happy Birthday!" I hear everyone shout making the twins look around and giggle. I put them down and watch them run to Symone and Zariah. "Oh, why you didn't let me help you with all of this?" I smile seeing the ball pit and bouncy house. "I'm a strong woman," she giggles grabbing my hand.

"Yes you are," I sigh in a daze as we went over to them and see babies and toddlers sitting down and playing. "Makayla, Titan," Jasmine called making them turn and run to us. "What do you want to do first?" She ask squatting down and kiss their heads. "Up," Makayla giggles as Titan came to me and reached his arms up. "Say up," I smile as he grunt and make grabby hands.

"Up, up, up," he said earning a smile as I pick him up. "Good prince," I smile kissing his cheek. "Everyone can play!" Jasmine shout as I immediately went to the ball pit. "Come on, Ty!" I yelled and jumped in the deep ball pit with him. The balls went up to my knees as I stood up. "They going to get lost in this!" I laughed as Titan hit me with a ball.

I turned over towards everyone and saw them recording me. "I meant the kids babe!" Jasmine laughed as Makayla and her did some type of finger painting. I heard some kiddy music begin to play as balloons started falling. "Go get them Ty," I laugh standing him up and watch him take off to the balloons. I watched him smiling widely as Jasmine wiped off Makayla's hands. 

I watch Titan go to his sister and give her a balloon. "Awn," I said recording them as Jasmine pulled out the small tiara and crown. She called their names getting their attention. "Come," she said as I walked towards them and helped her put the crown on Titan's head. "Look at my little prince and princess," she squealed taking a picture.

"Yo, what it do!" I hear Zayden loud ass as he came in with gifts. "The gift table is over there," Jasmine laugh as the twins danced and threw the balloons in the air. "Happy birthday baby K and baby Ty," Zariah said picking them up as everyone look at them confused. I squint my eyes at them, daring them to say something out of order.

"They're really one," Zayden pout squatting down and immediately got attacked by balloons. "Aye, I'm on your side," he laughed as he fell to the ground. "Evil, I say! Evil!" He laughed as they jumped on him and giggle. "How's mom and dad?" Symone ask as I immediately blushed. "They're doing great on their two month vacation," I laughed covering my face. "Still busy," I hum as her face burned and her eyes widen. "TMI!" She yelled covering her face.

"Ou, time to eat!" Jasmine squealed as the food on courts began to roll out. "Eat, eat," Jasmine danced picking up the twins. "They still wanted to play but Jasmine got them situated in their booster seats. "I'll get our food," I smile grabbing Zay and yank him with me. "Bro, why was I dragged?" He laughed as I handed him two plates while I held me and Jasmine's plates. "They mostly eat fruits and chicken drumsticks," I said earning a nod. "Add mac n cheese if there is any," I said fixing our plates.

"Alright, here you go baby," I smile placing her plate in front of her. "Thank you baby," she smile recording the twins go straight for the fruit. "Fix your crown princess," I smile fixing the crown on her curly hair. "Their hair is going to be long like ours," I said earning a hum. "Eat, love," I mumble as she placed her phone down and began eating. "So, what are we doing to celebrate your birthday?" Symone smirk wiggling her eyebrows. "We're partying at Riri's," Jasmine said making me smile and look at her. "Oh, last time we did that someone got a dance with Nicki Minaj," Michelle laughed as I blushed and shook my head. "Shut up," I mumble hearing a small laugh from Jasmine.

"We're getting waisted," Jasmine said as my eyes widened. "Ou, nasty," Michelle laughed giving her a high five. 

So, we're going to have some good drunk sex with a succubus. Jahi purr.

"Cake time," Jasmine giggle as I look at the time to see the sun should be setting. "This party went by fast," I pout seeing the gifts that we went through. Sam and Azael will need to go through those gifts. We sung the usual happy birthday song and helped them blow out their candles. Jasmine recorded them take their first bite into their cake. "We actually have to clean that," I whined grabbing some wipes and waited until they finished eat.


Jasmine and surprising Adriana and the twins with breakfast?

The twins surprise birthday party?

Jasmine plans for Adriana part of the party?

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