Chapter 41.

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Jasmine's POV (Warning: Torture)

"Woe, Jazz. What are you doing?" I hear my wife ask wrapping her arms around me. "Adri, you know they've been thinking about becoming one of us. They at least need to know what they are dealing with and who now have control over them," I said looking at her as Zayden and Zariah looked at us scared. "Fine," she sigh but smile softly. "As long as I get a part in this," she hums gripping my waist. "Of course," I smile pecking her soft lips.

"Wha-what's going on?" He ask as his friends look at me. I slid into their booth and let out a low hum. "Listen to my voice," I softly mumble watching their eyes fall on me. "Sleep." I said and watch their eyes close and fall asleep. "What did you do to them?" He ask looking at me as Michelle held him still. "Zayden, Zariah." I called watching them stumble then walk towards us. 

"Have you heard of making a deal with the devil?" I smirk hearing a low squeal from Symone. "Kind of," Zariah said folding her arms as I hear her heart rate increase. "Calm down, I'm not going to kill you," I smile showing my fangs. "I've heard of selling the soul to the devil," Zayden said as I lift the arm sleeve of my blouse.

"Eh, get him a chair," Adri said pulling me to her. "You're about to make a deal?" She ask running her thumb over the tattoo on my arm. "It wouldn't be me, if I didn't," I hum biting my lip, watching her eyes fall to my mouth. "Hmm," she hum sitting on a table. "Will this be messy, your majesty?" The owner ask as I let out an irritated breath.

"I have decency peasant," I growl earning a small whimper from him. "Your restaurant will be in tact and blood free," I said turning to him after getting no response. "Thank you would be nice," I grit flashing fire through his eyes. He fell down to his knees and cry out in pain. "Th-thank yo-you, mi-mistress," he said earning a smile from me and my wife.

"Now leave," I grit turning back to the runt. "What should we do with him?" I hear Jahi mumble moving Michelle and Symone out of the way. "I don't know. What did he call you and our kids?" I ask straddling his lap. "Freaks?" I ask watching him shake his head furiously. "Are you calling my wife a lie?" Jahi grunt pulling out her favorite knife.

"No need for that, love," I hum earning a pout from her. "Damn," she sigh as I grip his jaw and made him look me in my eyes. "I would kill every single last person that dare come for my children," I smirk tilting his head. "Why do you look familiar?" I ask hearing Michelle gasp. "Holy shit. This the same guy that you fought at the mall." Sy said making my smile widen.

"Well I'll be damn. You just don't get enough!" I laugh getting off of him and made a summoned mom here. "Why are you looking at your watch?" Zay said as I mentally count down for her arrival. "Ju, why did you want me to bring the hounds?" Mom ask coming into the store. "Because, I'm going to make a deal," I said as her eyes diverted to the two human beings in the restaurant. "Do not ask," I said as she release the viscous dogs.  

"Sit," Jahi growl making them whimper and sit in front of me. "You may leave, mom." I said as she sigh and nod her head. "Oh, let's make this fun," Jahi chuckle smacking his shoulders as he bawl his eyes out. "Mao, go find needle and thread," Jahi chuckles looking at me then we both look towards Zayden and Zariah. "Come," I hum hearing their heart increase. "We're not going to kill you. We would have done it already," Jahi sigh.

"Do you still want to be like us?" I ask circling around them. "Ye-yeah," Zayden stuttered making me freeze and look at him. "You need to be certain. Once you agree to be like us, you will bow down to us and become ours. There is no turning back. I will make you the second most powerful family in the world with us being first. Michelle family was second but tragedy struck them and she was the only one left. She has been my family but now it will be by blood once she marry the love of her life," I smile glancing to a smiling Michelle.

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