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To say my mom was disappointed is an understatement. 

I told her everything.

Well, everything excluding the trivial event of me sleeping over at a stranger's house and accepting a drink from a guy-who-tried-to-get-me-drunk.

Her voice was etched with worry when she told me to stay safe.

I felt awful... for disappointing her and it hadn't even been a week since I left home. 

Going to parties, getting wasted, waking up half-naked on a stranger's bed wasn't me. 

I'd rather have been curled up in the blanket on my bed in the dorm reading a book or even doing my assignment.

The entire college thing wasn't going so great for me, at all.

Well, that's what you get for being heedless in a party and hanging-up on your mother in your inebriated state.

I sighed...

"Everything alright?" 

Startled by the sudden intrusion of his voice I looked up. A voice... so warm yet so distant.

"Yeah, everything's fine, thanks." 

He nodded and I felt his intrusive eyes on me for a fleeting second, it made me shift subconsciously in my chair.

We were sitting in his living room for several minutes now, waiting for Astrid. 

He was doing something on his Mac book. I was trying not to get caught as I started at his fine self.

There was something about him, something so... captivating.

He was like a secret I wanted to unravel. 

The unexpected ringing of his phone brought me out of the spell he had bounded me in.

Without wasting a second he answered his phone,

"Yeah... okay."

"Come in."

He spoke with someone in a commanding voice, a voice that affected me in a way it shouldn't have.

Not wanting to sound too inquisitive I remained quiet even though all I wanted was to do was to ask him about the call.

I looked at him, my eyes locked with his compelling glassy ones walks in through the front door.

A man wearing an expensive-looking button-down shirt and grey trousers. Who is he? Oh God... is Zeus planning to murder me along with this guy?

The unfamiliar man strides to the area where we are sitting.

He looks at me impassively and greets me by nodding at me in acknowledgement in a formal yet polite way. I wonder who he is?

 He hands over a bag to Zeus which I didn't notice he had before.  

"Here you go, Zeus." His voice is calm.

"Good. That's all, Evan."

"Good-day, Zeus." 

Without any further exchange of words, Evan leaves.

As soon as Evan is out of my sight I give Zeus my best-intrigued look.

"This one..." Zeus indicates to the bag he is holding "... is for you" 

Wait... hold up? What does he mean by for me?  A present for staying over?  I thought to myself...

My subconscious rolls her eyes at me in disbelief at my absurd reasoning.

"Your clothes washed and dried." He states retorting my unsolicited query.

Taking the bag from his hand I open it to find my dress and jacket washed, dried and folded.

"You had them washed?"

"I didn't need them" Zeus emphasizes my name and continues,
"and I presumed discarding them isn't something you'd have appreciated." 

That he is right about. I wouldn't have minded if it was my dress but this was Astrid's and I would've been so guilty if it would've gotten ruined.

"Thank you so much." 

"Your welcome," he says, polite as ever.

 No words were spoken between us as he stares at me intently. 

I can't help but feel intimidated under his prying eyes.

After minutes of silence I finally decide to speak up, "Can I ask you a question?"

He sat there contemplating his thoughts for a moment before replying "Sure" 

"Do you own this house?" 

He gives me a strange look maybe he wasn't expecting me to ask that. 

Well, in my defence neither did I but what can I do, a curious soul I am and he looks too young to own this gigantic house.

"No... I don't" he replies.

"But like... didn't you said earlier it was your room" the confusion is clear in my voice. 

Maybe he lives on rent but then he walks like he fucking owns it.

"Because it is" 

"So, you live on rent?" I ask him as curious as ever.

"No..." I raise my eyebrows in disarray as he continues"... this is my mothers' house which makes her the owner, technically. I am just borrowing it from her until I finish my studies here"

So, his mother owns this place.

"You go to college here?" I just want to know if I'll be seeing him every day for the next four years.

"I do" he answers me calmly and gets back to typing what I assume to be a college assignment.

There are many questions I want to ask him. However, not wanting to sound too creepy I'll stop with my interrogation here today.

There are three things which I am very sure of...

First, his family is rich.

Second, he's in my college and I'll be seeing him too much to my liking.

And third, maybe college isn't going to be as unvaried as I thought.

The ringing of my phone brings me out of my trance announcing Astrid's arrival.

Time to go back Liv...

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