Chapter : 08

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I have a little assignment to submit tomorrow.

Which I should be working on now rather than sitting in my small yet comfy bed, thinking about Zeus.

It's been a week since my previous and highly unexpected encounter with him at the party. I haven't stopped thinking about him since.

I want to know more about him and I tried asking Astrid but she tackled my every query involving the name Zeus saying she didn't know anything, which I believe isn't true.

I tried to do some digging on my own but everything came to nothing. He wasn't on social media which wasn't beneficial at all.

I tried asking other students and all I managed to know is that he is Ian's cousin and is new here.

They say he is part of some research program in business studies and is rarely on campus.

I literally need to stop thinking about him and do some work because I am not planning on failing any class in my very first semester here.

Before I can start concentrating on the analysis of The song of Achilles, which I've read countless times before, I'm interrupted by a loud knock on my door.

I am not expecting anyone. Astrid had told me she won't be back before 10 and it's not even 6 right now. It can be any other girl but that is highly unlikely considering I don't know anyone, yet.

I hear another loud-impatient knock before I open the door and find a guy with an annoyed face standing with flowers in his hands. Trust me, it's not a sight I am very used to and I am confused.

"You are...?" I ask the stranger with a questioning voice.

"Got a delivery for Olivette Miller, is she here?"

A delivery? For me? And most importantly from who?

"I am Olivette," I tell him before speaking further "May I know who send  these?" I ask the guy who looks even more annoyed than before. I mean what's the deal with him.

"I don't know but there's a note." He says before handing over the bouquet to me.

It looks beautiful and luxurious with sunflowers and white roses wrapped up elegantly in the blue coloured paper that matches the colour of the walls of my dorm a little too perfectly.

I thank the guy and wish him a pleasant day with a smile, which he surprisingly reciprocates, before closing the door.

I sit on the chair in front of my study desk with the flowers in my hand.

Why would anyone send me flowers? I am beyond confused!

I untie the note hanging to the ribbon encircled around them and open it to find a handwritten calligraphed note:

"It's been a week and I couldn't stop thinking about you...
Text me, call me or even come to my house."

~ Zeus

I turn it around to find a number written on it. Marked by the letter Z.

I don't know what I was expecting when I opened this note but undoubtedly not this.

Why would Zeus send me flowers? Why would he send me anything at all?

And what does he mean by he couldn't stop thinking about me and moreover he wants me to text him or call him or even freaking visit him. Which certainly isn't going to happen any time soon.

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