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"This is a tale of love and of hate,
of revenge and of secrets"

This is the story of Olivette Miller and the devil she fell for.

Follow Olivette on her journey of mystery, love, compassion, secrets and heartbrakes. See her overcoming her mistakes and falling in love all over again.


A/N : This introduction don't give out much so please don't be mad at me 🤗 and below this lil' introduction I am adding a sneak-peak. I know you guys want to know more but I have to keep up the mystery especially about the devil Liv will fall for. So, just give this book a chance I promise you all won't be disappointed.



My life was never a fairy-tale and I never wanted it to be. It is my own fierce story and I love it...

Until an year ago I was sure of everything that needed to be done, every step that needed to taken but now it all seems impossible. Why?

Because I freaking failed at the very first step which was written clearly in bold letters in my brain "Not to ever fall in love " but then again it wasn't my brain who fell in love, my heart did...

to be continued


Did my heart love till now?Where stories live. Discover now