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Ian has already disappeared into the crowd. I follow Astrid into the gigantic house and if it weren't for a bunch of drunk students surrounding me I'd have appreciated how astonishing it  looks, everything in here seems so luxurious that I can't help but think whoever live here must be crazy rich. We reach a group of people who I assume to be Astrid's friends. She introduces me to the group and one by one they either smile or nod at me. 

Ian return with two red cups in his hand which he hand over to Astrid and me. She plants a soft kiss on his left cheek and he snakes up his arm round her waist pulling her closer and I take it as my cue to leave them alone not wanting to impede their intimate moment.

"Hey listen I need to make an urgent call I'll meet you two later" Astrid just nods at me while still looking at Ian, I mean C'mon are they having an staring contest or what. 

I just wander around aimlessly exploring this massive mansion and drinking whatever is in the cup which Ian bought earlier. I have absolutely zero idea what it is but it tastes like vodka and is sweet. Hmm...... sweet is good Liv.

Now I really need some water and after some good 10 minutes of wandering around I finally find the kitchen in this massive-maze-mansion. I take out the bottle from the fridge and start drinking it when I am interrupted by this cute guy with curly brown hairs and pale skin.

"I think you really need a drink" he says signalling to empty red cup in my left hand. 

"What gave you the impression I am not already drinking?" I say raising up the water bottle in my right hand and for some reason he finds it amusing.

He chuckles "No... I mean a real drink" 

"Actually I want a re-fill" I hand over my empty plastic cup to him.

"Anything you say gorgeous" he smirks taking my cup and we walk over to the drinks.

"What's your name?" I asks him as he fills my cup with the same thing I drank earlier.

"It's Cole" he smiles and hand over my now filled cup to me.

"Nice name" I take my cup back "Mine's Live and I like to called by it" I tell him referring to his earlier mention of gorgeous and take a sip of whatever-vodka-sweet-drink it is.

"Sure Liv" he stares at me for a moment when he speaks "I haven't seen you here before?"

"Well that's because I wasn't here before" I state.

"and what is that suppose to mean" he asks not a little bit amused.

"I am new... just started my semester yesterday"

"Oh... that's great, you'll love it here" why does everybody keeps saying that. First Ian and now him too.

 I just nod at his words and asks "By the way can you enlighten me what is this that I am drinking... I absolutely have no idea"  

"Oh.. that is jungle juice" hmm now that's a pretty wild name for this sweet drink but why doesn't it tastes as sweet as before and just as I was about to tell Cole how this thing isn't sweet anymore his phone rang. I don't know who he is talking to but he seems frustrated. The phone call ends leaving a scowling-at-the-phone Cole.

"Sorry to cut our time short but I gotta go" he informs me and before I could tell him that he doesn't have to be sorry and I am more than okay with company of my red cup he just left. Okay that was a bit rude but anyways my red cup here I come.

I put that sweet little red cup on the counter top and put my elbows in front of it to support my face cause I think this cup who-isn't-as-sweet-as-before and I  definitely needs to have a conversation right now but before I could speak anything my phone starts ringing. hmph... bad phone. 

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