page two

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On his way to school, Beomgyu can't help but feel disappointed. The person he followed yesterday is not the person he's looking for.

Although, he's pretty sure that the figure he saw pass behind Yeonjun and Soobin is the same as Taehyun.

Beomgyu just sigh. As soon as he opened their classroom's door, he saw a bunch of students surrounding the back seat of the room. Since Beomgyu is not in the mood, he just went straight to his seat and slam his face on the desk.

It's so embarrassing. Beomgyu feel like screaming but he can't so he's just slamming his head on his desk.

"You sure having a bad day, huh?" Kai said as he sat on the table in front of Beomgyu. "Let me guess, you forgot your phone?"





"Hell no, i will never forget my ryan keychain!"

(a/n: just in case yall are wondering who/what is ryan, it is Beomgyu's favorite Line Friends' character.)

(a/n: Here is the picture of Ryan and Beomgyu uwuuu )

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(a/n: Here is the picture of Ryan and Beomgyu uwuuu )

"Then what's causing you to slam your face on the desk? You'll just ruin your ugly face" he teased Beomgyu, trying his best to lift up his friend's mood even just a little bit.

"Shut up, idiot" Beomgyu stopped slamming his face, "I mistook a student as someone i know."

Kai suddenly remembered what he saw yesterday. Somehow, he felt relieved hearing that from Beomgyu.

"Oh so you have other friends than me?" Beomgyu glared at Kai.

"Of course! What do you think of me? A loner? Psh, idiot!" and he hugged his bag to hid his face.

I am indeed a loner before, but i'm no longer my old self now. Beomgyu thought as he hugged his bag tightly.

Kai suddenly felt bad about what he said. He want to apologize but before he could say another word, their homeroom teacher entered the room and called the attention of all students present in the room.

"I have an announcement to say." the teacher called a student from the back to go in front of the class. "I'm pretty sure most of you already noticed him, but let's have a proper introduction. Shall we, Mr. Kang?"

The new student nods to the teacher. "Hello, i'm Terry but my korean name is Taehyun. Kang Taehyun."

As soon as Beomgyu heard the name, his heart skipped a beat. He slowly lift his face to see the person in front, and he almost fell from his chair.

It's him! Beomgyu said in his mind.

Although Taehyun's features changed a lot, he can still see a resemblance of the Taehyun he knew from before.

Its hair is now blonde but the undercut has its original hair color black. He is also wearing an earring but only on the right ear. He somehow looks someone you don't wanna mess but, the people around him seems they're liking him.

 He somehow looks someone you don't wanna mess but, the people around him seems they're liking him

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(a/n: let's visualize it with this photo hhh)

Taehyun changed and so did Beomgyu. He used to wear big eyeglasses because of poor eyesight but ever since he entered middle school, Beomgyu started wearing graded contact lenses instead. His face also slimmed a bit but it made him more handsome. He's also wearing an ear piercing on both ears.

Taehyun examined the whole room and felt a strong presence looking at him. His eyes roam around the class to see where it is coming from, and found a strange person looking at him in jawdrop.

After their eyes met, it waved to him as if it knew him. But he can't find anything familiar with this person.

And he looks stupid. Taehyun thought as he ignored Beomgyu.


Taehyun showed up,
omg it's starting ><

See ya on the next update!

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