page four

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"Before we properly start this semester, let's decide first who will be leading this class." Mr. Jung mentioned. "Whoever will be nominated, required to attend the upcoming leadership training camp tomorrow."

Everyone in the class is excited, except Beomgyu. He's just staring at Taehyun while thinking what he saw at the outside of faculty room.

Taehyun's seat is the same row with Beomgyu but on the opposite side, so he can clearly see Taehyun.

You know when you want to secretly take a glance at your crush, Beomgyu's seat is perfect for that.

"Mr. Jung, how about Taehyun as the class president?" a female student said. Surprisingly, the whole class agreed.

"Hmm. It's not impossible unless Taehyun himself will not agree with that." Mr. Jung said and the whole class looked at Taehyun. "What do you think, Taehyun? Do you want to be the class president?"

Everyone is silent and waiting for the answer.

"Why do want me to be the class president when I just came here yesterday? Wouldn't that put the whole class at a disadvantage?" he asked.

The whole class is in awe. Beomgyu smiled. Knowing his classmates well, he replied to Taehyun.

"It doesn't matter here. You'll just have to trust your comrades."

Taehyun just looked at him. Everyone is still waiting for Taehyun's answer.

"Alright." Taehyun said that made everyone happy. "But I want him to be the class secretary" he added, pointing to Beomgyu.

w-w-wait.... what?!?! Suddenly, Beomgyu is confused.

Kai's eyes keep looking back and forth between Taehyun and Beomgyu. He's not happy with the current situation. He needs to do something.

"T-then can I volunteer as the class vice president? I can guide Taehyun in leading the class" Everyone looked at him, except Taehyun.

Psh. I really hate his attitude. He thought, noticing Taehyun is not looking as if he don't care about what Kai said.

The day ended with Taehyun being the class president, Kai as the vice, and Beomgyu as the secretary.

"Ah! I'm so worn out." Beomgyu stretches his arms as soon as they made their way out of the school building.

"We didn't do that much?" and Kai massages Beomgyu's shoulder.

"I don't know. I feel like i've been running the whole day. I have so much in mind."

"Like what?"

"Uhm..." Beomgyu can't say it because Taehyun is just the only thing he's been thinking the whole day. "T-too many to mention... hehe"

Kai just nod. "Anyways, see you tomorrow!" and they separate their way after reaching the school's gate.

After waiving back to Kai, Beomgyu saw Taehyun also going the same way as him. He don't actually plan following him, but he just found himself behind Taehyun.

Following every step Taehyun is taking, Beomgyu feels like he's so close to him. Although their distance is pretty close, he still feels like Taehyun is far.

So this is what people say, so close yet so far....

Beomgyu lift his hand as if he's reaching Taehyun's back, but his heart skipped a beat when he saw Taehyun turned around and their eyes met.

"Are you following me?"


more taegyu moments on
the next update!

btw, i'm so sorry for the late
update :( we went outside
so i don't have much time
to update 😭

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