page nineteen

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Their exam week finally ended and the results were already announced.

"Woah Kai! You improved! Look at your scores" Beomgyu said, tapping Kai's back.

"But i still have a long way" Kai sighs as he said that.

Looking at his scores and Beomgyu's, there is still a big gap between them. As long as he can keep up with Beomgyu, it will be fine for him.

Even if he don't have any chance in its heart, atleast he want to be someone that Beomgyu can be proud of.

"Oh c'mon. I know you can do it. When that happens, I'll be the proudest person" and Kai felt butterflies in his stomach from what he heard.

That's right, i can do it. Kai thought.

Meanwhile, a bunch of their classmates gathered around Taehyun.

"Omg! You got a perfect scores in every exam?" someone said. Beomgyu and Kai heard it and was shocked.

"Taehyun please teach me!" another one said as it holds Taehyun's hand. Beomgyu saw it.

He felt something in his chest. Perhaps jealousy, seeing that Taehyun is not reacting to the girl holding its hand.

"He's probably enjoying it, psh" he whispers. Beomgyu slams his notebook on his desk causing everyone, including Taehyun, to look at him.

Taehyun smirks.

Later on the evening, rain is pouring hard.

Beomgyu puts his eyeglasses on since he's been wearing eye contacts the whole day. It will harm his eyes if he will not change back to his eyeglasses.

It's only normal for him since he's the only one in his apartment.

Beomgyu is doing his homework when he heard a knock on his door.

He looks at the clock and then at the window. It's almost 12 midnight.

Who would come here at this late? And it's raining so hard outside. he thought, walking his way to the door.

It knocked again. "Wait, i'm coming!" he said, opening the door. But he got surprised to see a handsome person standing on the doorstep, soaked wet because of the rain.

"T-t-taehyun?!" he stuttered. He looked at him from head to toe. "W-what are you doing here? And why do you have a big bag with you?"

Taehyun is just looking at him, a bit shocked. That is when Beomgyu realizes that what Taehyun is facing right now is not the Beomgyu it usually see on the school.

Beomgyu's top portion of his hair is tied, like an apple. He's wearing a plain white oversized shirt with gray jagger pants. And he has his eyeglasses on with him.

He just sighed. "Come inside first" he said and they walk inside Beomgyu's apartment.

Taehyun looked around.

It's kinda big for one person. he thought.

"You're living alone?" he asked.

"Uh yeah. Why did you asked?" Beomgyu said as he went to his wardrobe to get some spare shirt, pants, and towel.

"Nothing in particular. I just thought it's kinda big for only one person." he answered.

Taehyun put his bag down and sat on the couch.

"You're not with your boyfriend right now, do you?" Taehyun asked again that caused Beomgyu to trip.

"I t-told you, i don't have any boyfriend"



"No. I'm just kidding"

Beomgyu gave him a pile of shirt with pants and a towel on top of it.

"I also have a hair blower, just in case towel aren't enough to dry your hair" he said.

Beomgyu aren't sure why Taehyun is outside and why he have a huge bag with him. All he can do for now is show him hospitality.

Did he left their house? But why?

All of a sudden, Taehyun removed his shirt, causing Beomgyu's eyes to widen and his face turned red. He quickly turned around.

Taehyun grinned. "First time seeing a guy removed his shirt infront of you?" he teased Beomgyu.

"J-just finish what you're doing." Beomgyu stuttered again before going to kitchen to prepare some ramen and hot coffee.

You'll get through this Beomgyu. Fighting. He said in his mind as he weakly slapped his face.

While waiting for the ramen to get cooked, Beomgyu looked back at Taehyun to see what he is doing now.

"You done changing?" and he saw Taehyun nodded.

He already changed to the clothes that Beomgyu gave him. He's not used to oversized shirt but for some reason, it feels comfortable for him.

Maybe because it is Beomgyu's clothes after all, that I can feel him. Taehyun said in his mind while looking at the shirt. He secretly smiled.

Beomgyu is just watching Taehyun, who is now struggling to dry his own hair.

"Is he a kid or what?" he whispered. He went to Taehyun and took the towel from him. "Let me help."

Beomgyu sat on the couch while Taehyun sat on the floor, infront of Beomgyu.

Taehyun can feel Beomgyu's gentle strokes to his hair. It flatters him.

No one's talking. Both of them are shy to initiate a conversation.

But Beomgyu wanna know why Taehyun decided to come to his house with a huge bag with him.

So he clears his throat. "S-so what happened?"

Taehyun didn't respond quickly. He's looking for the right words to explain everything that happened.

"I... left the house."



updates are back on track! ^^

and only few chapters left 'til the ending

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