page nine

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As the sound of river flowing and the cars going through the Han River bridge envelopes the silence that once surrounds them, the two remained silent—reminiscing the past

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As the sound of river flowing and the cars going through the Han River bridge envelopes the silence that once surrounds them, the two remained silent—reminiscing the past.

"You looks like someone I know... 5 years ago..." Taehyun said, causing Beomgyu to look at him with eyes wide open.

"M-may I know what memories do you have with that person?" Beomgyu asked.

He didn't received any answer from him. Instead, Taehyun stood up from his seat, carrying his bag on his shoulder.

"I can't." it simply said. Taehyun stared at the sunset first before saying another word again. "Besides, you're creeping me out. You keep following me. Are you my stalker or what"

Beomgyu suddenly felt his blood boiling.

"Huh?! Stalker, my foot! I'm too handsome to be a stalker, hmp!" Beomgyu angrily took his bag. "I just followed you because i'm worried you misunderstood what I said at the canteen"

"Oh right. I'm a jerk"

"That's not what i meant!"

"Oh yeah? Then what?" but its not responding. "What"

Beomgyu bit his lower lip. "B...because you keep ignoring me when I just want to get closer to you!" he shouted at Taehyun with eyes closed.

Taehyun was taken aback. Shocked to what he said, Beomgyu quickly opened his eyes and covered his mouth. But he was surprised to see Taehyun blushing.

"Taehyun-ah?" Beomgyu called him. Taehyun quickly returned to himself and walk past Beomgyu.

"You saw nothing." It's only what Taehyun said before they took the bus going home.

On their way home, Beomgyu only realized they are living in the same neighborhood but his place is a bit far from Taehyun's.

As soon as Beomgyu entered his room, he buried his face on his pillow.

"I saw it. He's blushing, right?" he is rolling on his bed as the image of Taehyun blushing is stuck in his mind.

But why?

Beomgyu don't want to jump into conclusions first, but he can't help it.

I wonder if Taehyun wants to be close with me too...

Before Beomgyu realize it, he's still awake at 4 AM causing him to be late on their morning classes.

"You look drained" Kai teased him. Beomgyu have no energy to defend his self to Kai.

I'm gonna make sure Taehyun will pay for this.

And speaking of the devil, Taehyun called him. "Beomgyu" and it put something on his table.

Beomgyu lift his face to see what Taehyun put on it and saw a folder.

"What's this for?" he asked confusingly.

"Can't you read? It says Upcoming Event." Taehyun smirks, teasing him. Beomgyu can feel his blood boiling again.

He glared at Taehyun. "I know but what I need is the full details and instructions"

"Mr. Jung told me to give that to you. We will get busy in the following days. There will be an upcoming event as a celebration for the foundation of this school" Taehyun explained.

Kai was shocked. Maybe i judged him too early.

"Then let's have a meeting after class." Kai suggested and Beomgyu agreed.

"That... i'll leave it to the two of you." He doesn't like events and stuffs. It has so many works to do and it's very tiring for him.

I guess i'm taking it back. Kai said in his mind after hearing what Taehyun said.

Taehyun tried going back to his seat but Beomgyu reached the corner of his uniform to hold it, so Taehyun looked at him.

"I won't let go of you until you say you'll come with us." Seeing Taehyun didn't gave him any reaction, he pouted and removed his hand that is holding the uniform.

But what Taehyun did next, surprised Beomgyu and Kai.

Taehyun takes over the empty seat next to Beomgyu as he reach its hand, making him hold the corner of his uniform.

Without looking at Beomgyu, Taehyun told him... "I haven't gave you my answer, so why did you removed your hand?"


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