Mysterious Tower and Bad Lands 1

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Angel stood next to Master Yen Sid in his study. She was watching Mickey train a bit. When he fell, she giggled.

He chuckled a bit and went to the table. She soon got next to him and looked at their master, who looked troubled. "Mickey... Angel... I cannot shake the feeling something is about to transpire." "Hm?" "What?"

"There are creatures called Unversed, terrorizing the worlds. I don't know what is going on, but it's very concerning. They are made up of negative emotions. I'm afraid something bad is going to come from this. I must tell Eraqus at once. You two may be dismissed." "Yes, Master." "Ok, sir."

The duo went into the next room.

"You think we should go help, Mickey? I think only Keyblades would work." He looked at her and nodded. "I agree, Angel. We really should. But... how should we get to the worlds?" She started to think along side him. "Star Shard?" "What?" "The Star Shard. Master Yen Sid has one we can use. We have no other way of leaving, right?" "Of course, but--" "We can do this. We're future Keyblade Masters. Well... I guess that only applies to me."

He chuckled, which made her giggle.


Angel grabbed the Star Shard then nodded to Mickey. He nodded back and they soon rushed out of the tower together, Keyblades in hand.

She looked over at Terra and stared at him. She tilted her head then shook it. He got out the shard and held it up into the air. "Alakazam!"

It took them out of the world.


The duo got to a rocky world. They saved a blonde boy about to be burned.

"Don't worry. You're safe." Mickey summoned his Keyblade and held it up. "Heal!" He healed the poor boy who woke up. He turned and got closer to the boy in the mask.

"Tell me where you got that! Keyblades are not something you use to just bully somebody around!" He pointed his at the masked boy then got ready. "Here, I'll show ya!" Angel and the blonde boy got next to him. "We all will." The trio looked at each other and nodded. They got ready.

They fought and won.

The masked boy got up in a cool way. The trio got ready once more. "Hmph, you win." A dark corridor appeared behind him. "Consider yourself on probation." He bacthen up then disappeared into the darkness.

"Probation for what?" The blonde boy looked at the duo. "Thanks for before, I owe you both." They looked at him. "The name's Ventus. What's yours?" "I'm Mickey!" "Name is Angel." "I see you both got a Keyblade." "Yep. We've been trainin under the great Yen Sid." "He found out the worlds were in trouble, and we sorta left without telling him." She smiled nervously.

"Well, that makes three of us. I ran off, too." Mickey got out the shard. "All I halfta do is think it, and the Star Shard will take me anywhere we wanna go." "At least, it was my thought. It's actually random or it brings us to the danger. I'm not quite sure which one it is. We wouldn't have met you, Ventus, if it didn't bring us here."

Ven chuckled then they looked at it. It glowed, making them cover their eyes.

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