Destiny Islands

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The trio was laying at the main beach, looking up at the sky.

Riku sat up first, "hey. I'm gonna head back." Sora and Bulla sat up right then. "Yeah." "Us too." They got up and started to head home. He looked at Sora and was confused. "Sora, what's wrong?" "Huh?" She looked at the duo. "You're..." He pointed at his face, which made him touch under his eyes.

"That's weird. It's like something's squeezing me inside." "Somebody up there must be sad." "Up where?" Riku looked up at the sky. "They say every world is connected by one great big sky. So maybe there's somebody up there in all those worlds who's really hurting, and they're waiting for you to help them." "Well gee, do you think there's something I can do?"

The boys looked at each other.

Riku started to think, "hmm... maybe they just need you to open your heart and listen." "Hmm... I dunno Riku, you say some weird stuff sometimes, but I'll try it." "Ok." Sora closed his eyes then the duo looked up at the sky.

Bulla frowned a bit, hoping whoever was sad was helped by Sora. Sora was the nicest boy she knew, other than Riku, of course. She looked back to Sora, who was seeing if he could help the person who was hurting.

Sora opened his eyes. "Well?" He looked at his friends. "Ya know... I think it worked." He put his hands behind his head, chuckling. Riku and Bulla smiled.

They went home.


The trio walked downwards towards the Secret Place.

"There is a monster in the cave!" "No way, Sora." "It's true! I saw it with my own eyes!" "You sure you didn't just hear it this time?" "What difference does it make? There's a huge monster in there, I tell you!" "Alright. Suppose there really is a monster... think we can beat it by ourselves, Sora?"

They stood outside the entrance. "No problem. Let's do it!" A noise came from inside. "Listen! There! Can you hear it growling?" "Shh, quiet. We gotta be careful." They soon went inside, finding no monster.

"See that? It was just the wind making that noise." "Aw, man. I wish it was a monster! Hold on! What's that over there?" Riku went over to the only wooden thing in there.

"A window, or maybe a door? It won't open." He got back to Sora. "Geez, is that really all that's in here? What do you expect in a boring place like this? Hey Sora, Bull." The duo looked at him, "hm?" "When we grow up, let's get off this island. We'll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!"

They started leaving the cave.

"Sure. But isn't there anything fun to do now?" "Hey, you know the new girl at the mayor's house? Did you hear?"

Bulla got out first and went to the boat. "She better not steal my friends..."

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