Dreams and Benefits

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          The stars started to appear as the sun sets into the ocean. I look up to the purple sky filled with the stars dancing around. I looked down at my legs finding the person I love. There he was peacefully resting his head on my thigh, look up at the sky then looking at me.

"It's time to wake up from this reality. Wake up Y/N..."

"WAKE UP!!!"


          I woke up from water being poured on my face, I stood up and see my sister Clarity laughing her ass off. Water dripped from my head as I stared at her.


"Just hurry up and get up, you're gonna be late for school if you don't get your ass up and wash up..."

          I looked at my phone clock and see that I only have 30 minutes left before class started. I ran to the bathroom like there was no tomorrow and quickly got ready.

                     || 10 minutes later ||

          I ran downstairs and saw that the house was empty. Clarity must've gone to work already... I guess I'm running to school. I make sure everything is locked and I put my shoes on before closing the door and began to run to school.

                      || 5 minutes later ||

          I finally reach the school gates and I stop to make sure my lungs are working properly. Geez I never knew I can run that fast... I quickly walk in and walked inside the school to my locker to get my things. The hallways are always filled with kids talking or just standing there watching other kids. Once I reached my locker I was greeted by my best friend Changbin.

"Little Miss shorty almost late I see."

"Shut up Changbin, it's not like you were late to class too. Yesterday you were late because of the "traffic" being slow..."

"Well I'm sorry that I had to make an excuse because I woke up late."

"*scoffs* whatever let's just get to class..."

{Third Person Pov}
          Y/N started to walk to their class room and tiny Changbin following behind her. As they walked inside they quickly take their seats before the teacher walks in and starts class. Luckily this teacher let them pick their seats so Y/N and Changbin obviously sat next to each other. Soon class started and the teacher took attendance. The teacher called out some names until 3 students barged into the classroom looking around the class.

"Ahhh Minho, Chan, and Hyunjin what perfect timing to appear. Since you three are late, I will have to give you guys detention."

"Tch like we care..."

"Now Hyunjin that's not a way to treat your teacher, take your seats and we'll began the lesson."

          They took their seats and the teacher began the lesson.

                   || After Class ||

          Everyone has left the class but  Y/N and Changbin stayed in the classroom. Y/N was drawing some things on a sheet of paper as Changbin fell asleep on her shoulder. Y/N turned to face Changbin who was dreaming away with his soulmate but they're probably not there. As Y/N and Changbin where chilling, the sun came out of the clouds and went through the windows hitting their faces. Y/N went back to drawing random things with Changbin snoring a bit. *BANG* A loud sound came from the right.

{Y/N Pov}
          I turned over to the door to see Minho and his friends at the door frame. I turned back to my desk and continued to draw.

"Hey nerd get out of this classroom, We have to do something."

          I turned back to them and see that they are walking up to me. They were about to wake up Changbin but I stopped them.

"Hey don't wake him up. He needs to rest. Also, we aren't leaving. How about you guys leave?"

"Disobeying us?"

"Yes, so what. You can't always have what you want okay. Not everything involves around you. Man up geez, stop acting like a child who lost their way..."

          I turned back to my paper and continue to draw as Changbin woke up from the noise. I turned to Changbin who seems scared from them being this close.

"Y/N ah what are they doing here?"

"Shhh don't mind them, they are being their usual jerk behavior. Go back to sleep."

{Third Person Pov}
          He nodded and layed on his desk to fall back asleep but Chan stopped him. Chan then dragged Changbin and Hyunjin out of the class leaving Minho and Y/N alone. Then the door closed. Y/N didn't care if she was alone with him, she's not scared of him like the others.

"Hey nerd look at me."

"What if I don't want to look at your dumb face. What are you going to do? Slap me? Bully me? Pull my hair?"

          Minho was getting irritated so he pulled Y/N by the wrist and pinned her to the wall next to the window. Y/N looked at him in the eyes unbothered by him doing it.

"What do you want Minho, I'm looking at you aren't I?"


"Stop being so childish, not everyone is going to listen to you. Just because you might look tough and be tough, that doesn't mean they have to obey you... I'll just take my things and go so you'll be happy."

          Y/N loosed from his grips and went to her desk. She picked up her things and walked out. Before leaving she heard.

"And not everyone is going to stop just because of those words..."

          Y/N then walked out finding Changbin sitting on the floor with some bruises on his face and arm.

"BINNIE! What did they do to you!!!"

          Changbin looked up with tears in his eyes. he acted as if it didn't hurt but clearly it did. Y/N saw how Changbin was trying to deal with the pain which made her soften for him. Luckily the hallways was empty so no one saw Changbin lying there.

"Y/N ah they... They slapped me and threw me against the lockers. They kicked my stomach then left me here..."

          Y/N's body filled with anger as she comforts Changbin, patting his head and hugging him. He was a soft child, he is like a lost child who need to be guided by someone. Then the classroom door open revealing Minho staring at them. Y/N got up and went to Minho.

"HEY! Your stupid friends hurted my best friend! How can you do this!!! Look at him! He has bruises and got slapped..."

"Like I care, not my fault he is weak."

          He turned around and started walking the opposite direction of Y/N. Y/N was so mad the she walked up from the back and kicked Minho's legs making him fall to his knees. Y/N then walked to the front of Minho and pulled his collar.

"Don't go near Changbin again. If I see you do then you'll get it..."

          Y/N let go of Minho and ran back to Changbin. She help Changbin get up and started to walk to their other hangout spot.

{Minho's Pov}
          Who does she think she is... Standing up to me? Pfft she think she's tough. But that kick hurted geez. Hmmm I like her, she's different from other girls.

          I stood up and went to go look for my friends who beat up this Changbin kid....

In next part: "I'm scared..."

1316 words

hello everyone, this is my first time writing something like this so bare with me I'm still kinda new😅. But thank you for reading my story, I really appreciate it!!! If you have any tips for me please comment them, I want to improve with my writing style and format.

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