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          The spring breeze blew around as Y/N watched the clouds move around the sky. A few years has gone by and everything was perfect. Y/N and Minho are a perfect couple living their lives with 2 kids and their cats. As for Changbin, he forgets his feelings for Y/N and suddenly gets new feelings. He has found his soulmate a while back when Y/N and Minho started dating. Y/N and Changbin are still best friends to this day. The kids go over to Changbin's house to play with him and his soulmate. You'll never guess who is soulmate is. It's was Lee Felix, the nerdy boy who had a little glow up because of Changbin. Y/N always knew Felix had a little crush on Changbin because they were also kinda close.

"Mom~ Heon won't play with meeeeee!"

"I am playing with her. I'm just too cool for her."

"Heon be nice to your sister. You won't be cool if you don't protect your younger sibling."

"But mom!!! Eunah will always be protected by me and dad! RIGHT DAD!"

"Yes Heon, I will not let my baby get taken away by little boys like you."

"That sounds like a insult but at least you understand me."

"Heonnnnnnnnn play with meeeeeee~"

"Fine fine, what do you want to play?"

          Y/N and Minho just watched their kids play in front of them. The park they are at is a memory for Y/N and Minho. The same park where they first met. Everything is perfect the way it is right now. Everyone is happy with their other half of just happy because of something.

"It's time to wake up..."

300 words

A little something before leaving this story...Thank you for reading my story 💞

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