Confusion and Mistakes

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          Minho looked behind him and sees Y/N standing behind him looking so hurted by his actions. Y/N then ran to Changbin and made Minho let go of Changbin.

"Binnie are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm okay just a punch that's all. I'm not a big baby like someone who can't handle the truth."

          He stared directly at Minho before standing up and dragging Y/N out of there away from Minho. Minho felt a hard feeling in his heart, it felt like he couldn't breathe. Then he realized, the red strings disconnected.

{Minho Pov}

"Why do I have to act like a jerk... The red strings disconnected. Gosh why does it hurt so much..."

          I sat down as I think of a way to stop the suffering, but it just won't go away.

"Y/N why do you have to be so complicated to know..."

{Y/N Pov}

          I felt this sharp pain in my heart as if someone stabbed it. I grabbed my chest and fell to the ground from the pain.


"Binnie- My chest hurts..."

          I looked at Changbin and he looked so worried for me. He looked at me and he took actions to what is happening. He quickly picked me up in bride style and ran to the nurse's office.

"Y-Yah binnie don't run with me like this, it's embarrassing..."

"If it means getting you to the nurse's office then I don't care of it is going to be embarrassing or not."

          Changbin continued to run with me in his arms... To be honest, I've never seen him like this. He usually would let me walk on my own and deal with it until we got to my house where he can treat me. Seo Changbin, you have really changed...

{Third Person Pov}

          Soon they reached the nurse's office and Changbin quickly put Y/N on a bed. The nurse wasn't there since she was on her break. Changbin looked around for some medicine for Y/N as she just stared at him.

"Y/N ah here, drink this medicine. It should work for a while till we find out why you feel this way."

"Gosh binnie do you ever take care of yourself... You have a scar from Minho's punch."

          Y/N quickly grabbed the med kit that was on the table next to her and pulled out ointment and a bandage for Changbin.

"Look that way binnie."

          He turned to the way Y/N pointed to and Y/N began to add the ointment on him.

"A-ah, Y/N it stings..."

"Awe I'm sorry binnie hold on almost done."

          Y/N then added the bandage onto his cheek and put the things away in the kit. She turned back to Changbin who was looking at her with soulless eyes. Changbin knew he was going to get hurt by the question he was going to ask but he asked anyways.

"Y/N, Minho is your soulmate isn't he?..."

          There was a long pause because Y/N was shocked why he said that. Y/N tried to avoid eye contact with Changbin but he turned to look at her in the eyes. He knew that he had puzzled Y/N so he had to ask another time...

"Awe Y/N you know I'm just kidding. I don't need to know, where's my happy best friend??? *pokes her cheek*"

"How dare of you to assume I wasn't happy, I feel happy when I'm with you because you're my best friend! Now c'mon let's get to class before the bell rings and we're late."

          They get up from the bed and walk out of the nurse's office to get to class.

                  || After School ||

          Y/N and Changbin were walking home from school just minding their own business. Talking to each other and laughing together, you know the things best friends do. They soon reached their houses and said bye to each other before stepping in and relaxing in their houses.

{Changbin Pov}

"Ugh today was so tiring..."

          I sat down onto my couch and slouched down as I talk to myself.

"If Minho is Y/N's soulmate then Minho would have chased after us right? Minho probably felt the pain in his heart too after the fight we had. The strings must of disconnected there. But when did the strings connect. Ugh my head hurts... God damnit Minho. AHHH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!"

          I kicked my feet and then stared at the ceiling.

"I wonder what's Y/N doing..."

{Y/N Pov}

          The house is empty like it always is. Seungmin should be done with his academy in an hour from now and Clarity don't come back home until like 7 in the evening. The house is so quiet, which good so I can blast my music with no interruptions. I decided to listen to one of my favorite songs that Changbin and one of his friends made, they released it for the first time so hopefully they'll get views for their music. I'm like in love with this song.

♪Cause I like you. There's no other reason, I like you. When I watch you smile, there's nothing more I could ask for cause I just like you♪

"Ah I can listen to this song on repeat."


          I heard a knocking from the door so I got up from where I was sitting and opened the door, revealing Minho?!
In the next part: " Y/N, look into my eyes and tell me the truth..."

1007 words

aha I'm sorry this chapter is kinda short, I'm getting busy with school. I'll try to update more often, but that's only if my school work don't get in the way. Also ik I'm late for this but I'm like in love with Changbin and Felix's song that they released 🤧 I couldn't resist putting it into to story. Anyways have a nice day and thank you for reading my story🥺✌️! I really appreciate it💕

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