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You wake up the next morning with your naked body entangled with Clint's. You give Clint a kiss on the cheek and get out of bed. You get changed and walk downstairs for breakfast, also leaving a note for Clint that says 'Gone downstairs for breakfast in case you're wondering why I'm not in bed with you. I would still love to be though but we have to get up at some point. I love you xox Em

Downstairs, everyone is already up and eating oatmeal that Wanda cooked. You sit down next to your brother and everyone is looking at you. Soon enough everyone stops but Bruce is not eating his breakfast so you take his and eat it. Bruce and everyone watches you scoff down the food. You look at them when the bowl is empty and say, "Ok why is everyone staring at me?" Bruce says, "You and Clint had a fight yesterday and you seem fine but that hickey would explain why!" Your eyes widen and you let out a small laugh. Sam asks, "So did you guys make-up?" You nod. Nat says, "Good because he seemed to feel really bad about what happened." 

You get up and put your bowl in the dishwasher before walking away and going back to your bedroom. You get in and see Clint led on the bed still and your note was on the side meaning he had read it. You walked over to Clint and kissed him.

~A year later~

You and Clint had your one year anniversary and the missions were boring. Clint kept that thing in his pocket which  you didn't know about that was a ring. He wanted to ask you to marry him but he needed Bruce's blessing first. He was about to ask Bruce when J.A.R.V.I.S said, "There are intruders entering the building." You run to Clint and Bruce and go downstairs with them and see some alien things. They say, "Be prepared to die at the hands of Thanos' children" You scoff and say, "Go and fuck yourself squidward!" 

Suddenly you are all transported to a field on the outskirts of town but still in the middle of nowhere. You see a purple guy stood and he had an army. Tony called for backup and Strange and others appeared through portals including most of Wakanda. You nodded at them and then you heard Strange say to everyone, "We have one chance to win this. He has all the stones so he just needs to snap to win."

Clint Barton love storyWhere stories live. Discover now