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It had been two weeks since your engagement and you felt sick. You ran to the toilet and puked while Clint woke up, ran in and held your hair back. You don't like alcohol and all the avengers had eaten the same thing for the past 3 days so Clint wondered what was wrong. You realised you were late on your period and looked at Clint. You thought when was the last time you had sex other than a few nights ago. It was about 2 weeks ago. Holy shit!

You got up after puking your guts out and asked Clint to get Nat and Wanda. They walk in worried and they sit down stroking your back. You said, "I think I might be pregnant." They look at you shocked. Nat says, "Do you know for sure?" You shake your head and Wanda offers to go buy a few for you. She leaves and Nat stays with you. 

Clint had told everyone about you puking because he was worried for you. Wanda walked through the door downstairs bag in hand and everyone looked at her. She quickly said, "It's stuff for Emily, to help make her feel better." Everyone nods and she walks off up to your and Clint's room.

She empties the bag onto the bed and there are 4 boxes of pregnancy tests. You go into the bathroom and stay in there until you have peed 4 times. While peeing, you were kinda excited as you could have a baby with the love of your life. You walk out holding them and they are all ready to be read. You say, "I want to find out alone if that's ok. Only because if I am, I want Clint to know first." They nod understandingly

They walked out and back to the living room while you turn over the tests. You pick up one and read it, 'Positive' and they all say the exact same. You are pregnant. 

Thoughts race across your mind. 'Shit I don't think I'm ready for a kid. What is Clint doesn't want a child. We never talked about having children. We just got engaged 2 weeks ago. What will everyone else say? FUCKING HELL! Why couldn't you have gotten pregnant after the wedding? We need to plan the wedding though. Shit, Fuck, Bastard, Idiot!'

A/N: Oh no. What will Clint's reaction be? Next chapter to find out. What will the avengers reaction be? Not next chapter but the one after to find out.

Clint Barton love storyWhere stories live. Discover now