Part 1

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Teresa's POV:

It was dark, darker than usual. The moon was nowhere to be seen and the night air was cool on Teresa's face. She pulled her thin, tattered coat a little tighter over her shoulders and continued her journey to the castle on the hill. As she travelled, she thought about her father and his sad and mysterious death. There were no symptoms of a murder at all and his heart and body were in perfect shape. The doctors said the only thing that could've killed him was fear...


Teresa's father sat down for his dinner of bread and butter when he heard a knock on the door. He slowly stood up and shuffled his way to it. When he opened it, there was no one there.

"Stupid kids", he muttered as he locked the door and went to sit back down to eat. Suddenly, he saw something in front of him. It shimmered and reached out to him. He tried to get away but as soon as it touched him, he couldn't move. He felt a sudden calmness wash over him and then a sharp pain in his chest. He fell to the floor and the thing fed on his fading soul as he slowly died.

Teresa walked in a few hours later and called,

"Father, I'm-" she gasped. Her father was lying on the floor with his eyes wide open and a look of horror on his face...

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