Part 5

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Lord Arthur's POV:

His plan had worked! The girl was unconscious. He grabbed her under the armpits and dragged her over to his surgical table. He strapped her down and walked over to his bubbling cauldron. The crystal water was boiled and ready for the ingredients to the youth potion. He put in all the ingredients. Now the only thing that was missing was the blood of a young person. He walked over to the unconscious body on the tabled and made a cut across her belly. He grabbed a flask and poured some of her blood into it. Quickly, he stitched her up, she would be useful in the future, he thought. Then, he walked over to his potion and poured in the contents of the vial. The potion turned a wine-red colour and frothed up.

"Its ready!" He cried. He poured it into a cup and drank it down eagerly. Instantly, his long white hair shrank back into his skull and turned a healthy brown colour, his long dirty nails grew inwards and were clean and his wrinkly skin stretched itself out, like a piece of paper being smoothed out.


Teresa's POV:

Teresa woke up and saw the man turn young and handsome and tall. She had stitches on her belly and a throbbing headache, and she was covered in blood, but she noticed that he had left the knife on the tabletop. She reached out and picked it up. Trying to get up, she realised she was still strapped down. She was going to have to throw it . She only had one shot. She raised the knife and threw it as hard as she could towards the man...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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