Part 4

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Lord Arthur's POV:

Back in his office, Lord Arthur saw his faithful servants lock up the young lady and cackled with glee.

"Finally, I have another fresh sacrifice to make myself youthful once again!" He exclaimed. He went over to his desk and took out a sharp black knife with a jagged blade and white skulls painted on the handle.

"Ah, the twisted knife. This should do the trick." He muttered as he stowed it away in his long, sweeping cloak. He stalked out of his office and made his way towards the East wing, where Teresa lay in her dungeon, fearful and alone.


Teresa's POV:

Teresa could hear the footsteps. He was coming. She stood up and got ready to fight. The lock clicked in the door and Lord Arthur walked in with a concerned look on his face. He was old, very old.

"My dear girl! Who put you in here?" He cried out in shock.

"Your servants!" she answered distrustfully.

"You poor child! I had nothing to do with that." He seemed very sincere, but Teresa would not be fooled.

"How do I know you're not lying?" She countered.

" You don't." was his simple answer. "But anywhere is better than in here, don't you agree?" Teresa thought about it and found that she could not disagree. She got up and said,

"Fine." He led her out of the corridor and into a shiny white lab.

"Take a seat, my child. I'll get you a drink" She obeyed. After all, she was the guest, and he was the host. Lord Arthur went over to a polished white counter and prepared her a coffee.

"Sugar?" He asked.

"Yes please." He tipped in a teaspoon of sugar and handed her the cup. She sniffed it suspiciously, but it smelled safe, so she said,

"Thank you" and took a big gulp. She immediately started feeling drowsy and fell backwards, unconscious.

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