Part 3

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Teresa's POV:

Teresa walked up the driveway of the grand castle and at once felt that something here was not as it seemed. She decided to ignore the feeling and continued to make her way to the door. She brought her hand up to knock but before she could, it opened itself as if by magic. Instantly, a smell of mould and decay hit her full in the face, making her want to get as far away from the place as possible but she knew she could not. This was her only chance to find out the cause of her father's death. She walked in. She started towards a grand staircase that seemed to lead to a large corridor from which see could see light but someone behind her cleared their throat, making her jump. Expecting danger, she turned around and saw... two strange people. Servants, she guessed. They both had the same haircut so she could not tell if either of them was male or female and they wore strange black clothing that clung to their skin in a surely uncomfortable way. One of them had a ghastly scar on its cheek and the other had an eyepatch. They both looked at her strangely, almost as if they feared everything surrounding them. Teresa felt unnerved.

"Hello, welcome," Said the one on the right.

"May I take your coat, miss?" Said the one on the left.

"Yes of course," replied Teresa uncertainly. She slipped her coat off and handed it to the closest one and asked,

"When can I make an appearance with Lord Arthur?"

"He's a very busy man" Replied the one on the left.

"Yes, very busy." Said the one on the right," How about we take you to your room instead, miss?"

"Yes of course, I understand." Answered Teresa.

They took her down a narrow, dirty corridor and down a flight of steep stairs. They walked on for what felt like hours to Teresa and finally reached their destination. A small, cramped room with a tiny bed, no windows and what looked like a bowl of rat droppings in the corner of the room.

"Um, if you wouldn't mind, could you please tell me where we are?" Asked Teresa, anxiously.

"Why, were in your new cell, milady" The one on the right said, grinning.

"Don't you like it?" Said the one on the left, with an ugly smirk.

They grabbed her a bit harder than she would have liked and threw her in. She heard the door shut and the lock click, and she was plunged into darkness.

"One more thing," said one of them, "Our gracious master left you some of the leftover dog food for your dinner." She could hear them cackling evilly behind the door.

"NO! PLEASE! LET ME OUT!" she screamed.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, miss"

"And why not?"

"He's watching..."

"What? Who's watching?" She cried desperately, but they were already gone.

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