Part 2

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Teresa's POV:

"Father!" She knelt down and tried to listen for his heartbeat but there wasn't one. She ran to the village hall and told everyone what had happened.

"I know someone who might be able to tell you what happened to him," said her great aunt Hilda," There is a man who lives not far from here who might be able to tell you something about his death."

"Thank you Aunt Hilda I will set off in the morning," replied Teresa.

The next day, Teresa climbed into her father's carriage and set off on her journey. The road was narrow, and dark clouds were being pushed across the sky by a great wind. The carriage rocked like a boat on a stormy sea and Teresa started to worry.

"Miss Teresa!" Called Philip, the carriage driver.

"yes Philip?"

"The road is too narrow, I fear we might have to continue on foo-" But he never got to finish as suddenly, the wind howled and the carriage lurched to the side and crashed straight into an enormous tree. The impact threw Teresa forward and out of her seat, causing her to smash her head against the wall of the carriage. She put her hand to her head and felt hot, sticky blood running onto her hand. The frightened horses were still attached to the reins and were shaking the carriage with their wild movements. Teresa climbed out of the carriage as swiftly as she could with the throbbing pain in her head and freed the horses, letting them run away from the danger.

"Philip!" she called, "Philip, where are you?!" She searched the area carefully, trying not to fall to the ground from dizziness for fear that she would never get up again. She decided to try and flip the remnants of the carriage the right way up again and was shocked to find Philip underneath it lying limp and lifeless on the dirt path.

"Philip!" She cried "Philip! Answer me, please!" But it was no use. It seemed he was dead. Teresa had to continue forward on her own.


Lord Arthurs POV:

At the castle, Lord Arthur stared through his all-seeing mirror and saw the beautiful young lady continuing her journey to his castle. He cackled and called for his servants,

"Terrence, Linda, get in here!" He paused and waited for an answer. When he did not get one, he called, "NOW!" They ran in and bowed.

"We're here, master" They said in unison, "What do you require of us?"

"It seems we shall be having a visitor," He pointed to the magic mirror. The two servants looked at their master. He continued, "Prepare one of the special rooms for this girl, we need to make her feel welcome..."He grinned sinisterly. The servants bowed quietly and left, a feeling of unease hanging over their heads.

"Ah, my prey has arrived." He said a few moments after they had gone.

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