super cool dude!: chris

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keep up the good work? what the heck, Chris! this is SO not how you win over the love of your life!!!! I was pretty upset over what I had just said, but then it hit me. the challenge. the challenge I thought would be so perfect but then we made up. I can't let the challenge happen! we just made up and it looks like we'll be at least friends and I, Chris "the best looking tv host in history because I'm awesome" Mclean, was about to ruin it.

I sprinted out to the crew. "UNPAID INTERNS!! ONE OF YOU COME SEE ME RIGHT NOW!" I screamed. someone came running up, looking scared as ever. probably my fault. I maybe shouldn't have gone with all the man eating sharks. oh well.
"yes mr. Mclean, sir?" they looked terrified.
"the cooking challenge. call it off."
"but mr. Mclean! we're a week out! we can't just get rid of it now!"
"DO AS I SAY! I'M CHRIS MCLEAN!" they ran away crying. hopefully, I got my message across.

later that day, I went to the campfire ceremony. Tyler was kicked off. I didn't care. I thought Lindsay would be upset, but she didn't even know what was going on. I went to my trailer and found a note. meet me by the dock of shame -Chef. holy bazingas! Chef wanted me to meet him! this is super cool dude! I put the note down and immediately took off toward the water.


oh my good gracious! chef sent a note! what a guy. anyway, hope you had a good time reading that and hopefully the suspense of the next chapter doesn't kill you!!1!1!1!1!!!!1!1!1!11!11!1!1!!!!

chef x chris mclean (a total drama love story) Where stories live. Discover now