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A phone, a watch and a wallet full of money... Definitely hit the jackpot...

Though I'm pretty sure that he also hit the jackpot on my face... not just my face actually... but my whole body.

I'm fucked up... badly.

I'm currently in front of our house, hesitating whether to get in or not.

I tried lifting my hand to open the door but it felt like it was ripping off of my body so I just sighed in defeat and stood still in front of the door.

"Fuck that fucking gym guy and his fucking fists " I mumbled to myself.

"That's a lot of cursing right there " a familiar voice suddenly asked behind me making me jump.

"What the f--

"Shh! Don't curse in front of me " she placed her index finger on my now busted lip to shush me.

Of course it's gotta be the one and only Kim Dahyun... What is she even doing here at night?

"Why are you here? " I emotionlessly asked and looked away, trying to hide my injuries from her.

"Is it bad to visit a friend? " She sheepishly smiled.

"At this time of night? What do you think? " I sarcastically asked.

"Yeah, it's not good. Specially because that friend of mine is a criminal so it's really dangerous when I'm alone " she said that seriously seemed really suspicious to me.

"Why are you he--

"Since it's dangerous for me to go alone, I brought a friend " she cut my statement off, another silhouette of a woman slowly appearing before my eyes.

"Haii " the girl cheerfully greeted.

"Meet my u--

"Can you both leave? I don't remember inviting you here. " I seriously stated, glaring intensely at the both of them.

I know, what I just said is rude but hell, I don't want to go back to that stupid prison and take note, my brother's might get involved. Who knows? This person might report us to the police and we don't want that.

"Yah! " Dahyun yelled.

Well I understand why she's mad. I couldn't care less though. Who wouldn't be mad when someone said things like what I said earlier?

or maybe that's what I thought...

"What the hell happened to your face?!"

Why am I feeling weird things inside my stomach?

"N-none of your business."

Dammit, I stuttered.

"Does it hurt?" She tried touching my face but I stepped back so she failed to do so.

"No, it doesn't. Now, leave. It's dangerous for the both of you to be wandering around specially at night-- AISH! " I hissed when Dahyun suddenly interrupted me by touching my bruised face which hurts A LOT.

"I thought it doesn't hurt?" She teasingly smiled.

"It doesn-- YAH! Don't even dare! " I glared at her when she once again tried to touch my sore face but she just laughed at me.

That Thief Stole My Heart! » TWICE Dahyun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now