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Mina, Sana and Tzuyu ended up going to the cafeteria because it was lunch time now. Sana's friends Jihyo and Nayeon are in a meeting with their coach while her cousin Momo is still at the dance club because Momo is one of the senior instructor at their club, so Sana has no choice but to join Mina and Tzuyu.

Sana and Mina are sitting next to each other while Tzuyu is in front of them, reading a book.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Mina asked the two.

"Just a pizza and a bottle of water" Sana replied.

"Anything" Tzuyu also replied.

Mina is confused with Tzuyu. "Where can I buy that 'Anything' food?"

Sana just chuckled because on how Mina treated Tzuyu .

"Fine. Just bread and water" Tzuyu said and closed the book she was currently reading.

"Okay noted. Just wait for me here" Mina stood up and winked at Sana. Saying that it's her time to have one on one conbersation with Tzuyu.

Mina left the two that made Sana feel uneasy being left in Tzuyu's company.

'Shit this is so awkward' Sana said in her thoughts.

"Have you decided yet?" 

Sana was surprised when Tzuyu is the one who broke the silence between them.

"H-huh?" Sana wanted to slap herself for stuttering everytime she's talking with Tzuyu.

"About the theater club" Tzuyu replied while pointing to the form on Sana's hands.

"Ahh. Yes, I was really still thinking about it but Jihyo immediately dragged me to Ms. Bae's office, so, I end up taking this" Sana explained but Tzuyu just nodded and hummed as a response.

And there was silence again between them.

Sana felt uncomfortable again in this kind of situation and she wanted Mina to comeback rigth away because she did not know what to talk about with Tzuyu.

As Sana wished, Mina arrived while holding a tray containing their food.

"Here" Mina said and she sat down in her chair.

They started digging into their food, Mina noticed how quite Tzuyu is every time she was with someone she was not close to, so Mina decided to talk.

"Sana, where is your place in Japan?" Mina asked the woman next to her

"Osaka, and you?" Sana replied back.

"Kobe, Japan. Actually Tzuyu is also a foreigner" Mina said and they both looked at Tzuyu who was constantly eating in front of them.

"What?" Tzuyu asked confused as she noticed the two looking at her.

"W-where did you really come from?" Sana stuttered again.

"Tainan, Taiwan" Tzuyu simply replied and resumed her meal.

"Oh I see" was the only word Sana can reply because she really don't know what to say.

"By the way, about the Theater club are you sure you want to join? Because the stoic looking girl in front of us will be your partner for the project and you will have a hard time interacting with her" Mina said while pointing to the woman in front of them.

"yeah. Jihyo and Nayeon will never stop bothering me if I say 'No' to them."

"Chou Tzuyu" Mina sternly called Tzuyu's name as Sana looked at them. "Don't be rude to Sana if she starts working with you okay? Take care of her" Mina edict to Tzuyu.

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