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Many businessmen and women gathered in the fancy and luxurious hotel. Everyone had a glass of wine in their hands and casually talking to each other. The suit and gowns are all cost of million won as they seem to elevate the position of who should be respected and who is uplifting.

Today, is the big occasion for all companies in Korea for the reward of elevating their respective businesses in the industry this year to give recognition to their contributions to the business world.

Mr. Minatozaki Kento walks the red carpet and greets the other CEO. He smiled at them politely displaying his perfect image as one of the most successful business man in town.

"Oh my --- is that you Mr. Minatozaki?" An elderly woman wearing a long red dress greeted Mr. Minatozaki.

"Mrs. Bang? How are you?" Mr. Minatozaki gives peck on the side cheeks of Mrs. Bang, that's how they greeted each other.

"I'm perfectly fine. It's been a long time" Mrs. Bang said while smiling broadly after seeing Mr. Minatozaki again.

"Yeah it's been a long time" was his short answer while smiling.

"By the way, how is your daughter? My son told me she came back here to Korea"

"Yeah. She came back here to Korea to continue her education and what about your son? His name is Christoper right? I don't remember very well" Mr. Minatozaki apologized as he didn't clearly remember the only guy friend of his daughter.

“He usually used the name ‘Bang Chan’ so I understand if you don’t remember him somehow he are still close with Sana and you know, they can be the perfect couple in the future” jokingly Mrs. Bang. said and laughed along with Mr. Minatozaki.

Ever since Sana and Bang Chan became close to each other, Mr. Minatozaki and Mrs. Bang wanted their childs to end up together but they didn't want to force Sana and Bang Chan's relationship. They both want only the best for their child and live what they want.

"By the way, who are you with?" Mr. Minatozaki asked.

"Come and join us at our table, you met them there" Mrs. Bang pointed to the table where there were other businessmen man and woman who had been with her earlier.

He looked where Mrs. Bang pointed, he saw some of his business partners and some of his rivals in the clothing brand, she also saw the man he hoped to meet tonight, Mr. Yeh.

"Let's go? Let's meet them" Mrs. Bang said to Mr. Minatozaki to join the other in their table.

Mr. Minatozaki just nodded and adjusted his suit before approaching the table where other business men and women could be seen.

"Mr. Minatozaki" A 70 -year -old businessman greeted him as he approached them.

"Mr. Kwon, nice to see you" said Mr. Minatozaki.

He greeted everyone at the table with a smile on his lips but it disappeared when his eyes met Mr. Yeh.

After just a seconds, he faked a smile, "Mr. Yeh, I'm glad to see you again" he said and offered his hand to shake and Mr. Yeh gladly took it.

"Me too, I'm glad to see you again" Mr. Yeh greeted but the tension between them was a bit strong.

Mr. Minatozaki let go of his hand and took a glass of wine from the table.

“I can’t believe I’m sharing the same table with two powerful businessmen, Mr. Minatozaki and Mr. Yeh” said Mrs. Honda and everyone around them agreed with what she said.

Mr. Minatozaki and Mr. Yeh were really the most powerful businessmen in eight executive years.

“My pleasure is that I am entitled as the ‘most powerful businessman’ He was humble and proud of his success.

"My honor too" Mr. Yeh said then he glanced at Mr. Minatozaki. He sipped from his intoxicating beverages.

“Woah I feel the competitive aura wrapped around here” jokingly Mrs. Bang said as they laughed.

They are all just talking about their entrepreneur, what their plans are this year, partnerships, future enhancements for their own company and other business stuffs.

Gradually, the people left their table one by one because they had to greet and interact with other business men and women until only Mr. Minatozaki and Mr. Yeh were left at the table.

Mr. Minatozaki laid his glass of wine on the table and grinned that he finally had time to belittle and annoy Mr. Yeh.

"How's your business?" He started the conversation.

Mr. Yeh also put down his wine glass. "Doing great. Just a little step ahead I will completely take the title you had" he said as if his hitting something from his statement.

Mr. Minatozaki hummed, "I don't think you can pass me"

"How can you be so sure?"

He smirked and turned to look at Mr. Yeh, "You know that I have all the documents that can drag you down anytime." he said seemingly sure of all his plans to knock out Mr. Yeh.

"Do you think I'm not preparing something if you reveal the documents to the media?" Mr. Yeh said and the man next to him nodded at him because he surely knew he couldn’t drag his competitor that easily.

"I know" He said calmly and sipped on the wine again.

Mr. Minatozaki knows that Mr. Yeh is not an easy competitor because they have similarities in how they work for their business and how they risk anything just to stay on top.

Yes, Mr. Minatozaki certainly got all the evidence and documents against Mr. Yeh but he also certainly knew in himself that he could not disclose it right away because he still had no idea what method or plan Mr. Yeh had against him.

But he feel that Mr. Yeh would definitely use his daughter against him, that is why he desperately wanted Sana to return to Japan because he's sure that Sana was safe there.

He don't want something bad happen to his only child. He promised to himself and to his wife that he will do his best not to put Sana in danger.

Mr. Yeh approached Mr. Minatozaki and patted his shoulder. "Don't let your guard down. Don't be complacent, I'm just starting, Kento" he then left Mr. Minatozaki alone.

Mr. Minatozaki stared at him in disbelief when Mr. Yeh warned him. He sneered and took the glass of wine off the table and drank it all in just one gulp then he's hand grip tightly on the wine glass.

'Let's see'

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