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"One wrong move, your head will explode."

"Nice line you got there, Wang." Tzuyu shouted from distance and also got her gun just in case someone will target her.

Jackson glanced at Tzuyu then winked, "I've learned a lot from you, Chou!" he then grabbed Elkie with him and tied Elkie's arms.

"Boys, tied them up properly!" Jackson commanded his team, Bambam, Jinyoung and JB.

The three boys nodded and dragged Shuhua and Lucas with them.

Sana was left speechless and having a hard time processing what was happening around her. Tzuyu went to Sana's back to untie her on the chair she then went back to face Sana.

She let out a faint smile caressed Sana's cheeks. "I'm sorry for doing this to you." She apologized sincerely.

She really feel guilty on what she had done but this is the only way to execute her plan.

Sana was just looking down, staring blankly at the ground, completely lost at the moment.

Tzuyu decided to leave Sana for awhile and went closer to Mr. Minatozaki who is now laying on the ground because Dahyun and Chaeyoung  knocked him down along with his butler.

"How the fuck---" Mr. Minatozaki didnt able to continue his words when Chaeyoung covered his mouth with a tape.

"I'm tired hearing your voice, old man!" Chaeyoung uttered.

"Ohhh you look so cool, Chaeng-chaeng!" Dahyun complimented her bro.

"Well...." Chaeyoung made a smug face before standing up.

Dahyun let out a giggle and tied Mr. Minatozaki's arm tightly.

Tzuyu felt proud while looking at the two smaller girl, "You guys are getting stronger." she said.

"Well..." Dahyun copied Chaeyoung's tone and smug face.

Tzuyu chuckles and felt happy that her plan worked well.

"Let me carry these two old shits," The guy named Wonwoo said and he forcedly made Mr. Minatozaki and his butler stood up and dragged him to the side.

Tzuyu, Dahyun and Chaeyoung let the guy do the work.

"Where's Seulgi, Jeongyeon and Moonbyul unnie?" Tzuyu asked the two and she looked around.

"We are here!" Jeongyeon shouted.

The three young girls turned around and saw the three older girls approaching them.

"We just checked if everything is all cleared now." Moonbyul said and smiled widely.

"Did everything go well?" Tzuyu asked since she doesnt know if all the evidences are now in the hands of the police.

Seulgi nods, "I made sure everything will went well. And I just got notified Mr. Yeh finally got arrested." she said.

Tzuyu let out a relieved sign, "The police will take care of the rest."

"What will you gonna do to those trash over there?" Jeongyeon pointed at Mr. Minatozaki and Elkie's direction.

They were all now tied to a chair.

"I want to see them suffer." Tzuyu said with a serious tone and approached them.

Tzuyu glanced on Sana first and there she saw Dahyun already taking care of her. She felt so guilty seeing how afraid Sana is right now.

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