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Sana finally arrives at SweetyBar where she will meet her friends and cousin. Just entering the place you can hear a loud music and a strong smell of various expensive wines that filled around the place.

Sana wandered around to look for her cousin and luckily she saw them right away. she approached them and saw the girls drinking wine in the bartender’s place.

"Sana-chan" Momo greeted her cousin and hugged her immediately.

Sana pulled away from the hug and smiled at Momo. "Congrats"

"Thank you hehe" Momo said while sipping the glass of vodka again.

"Don't drink too much" Sana reminded her cousin.

“Hey, don’t be kill joy tonight" Jihyo said but Sana just playfully rolled her eyes. jihyo chuckles and handed Sana a glass of wine.

"I won't drink"

"Just one glass, Sana-yah. You won't get drunk on that" Nayeon tried to give the whiskey to Sana.

"Fine. Just a glass, no more follow up drinks" Sana took the glass of whiskey from Nayeon. "There are so many places to celebrate why did you choose a bar?" Sana said because she’s not really the kind of person who likes to spend time in a place like this.

"Nayeon unnie suggested it" Momo replied.

"So? we're all old now, we're allowed to come here whenever we want" Nayeon frowned proudly to have brought friends to the bar.

“We’re not in our 20’s yet” Sana retorted.

"You are 18 and that's a legal age already. You're both old now" Nayeon sipped her intoxicating drinks again.

"But not as old as you" Jihyo commented which caused Nayeon to glance at her.

"Duh we are in the same age remember?" Nayeon rolled her eyes but Jihyo just laughed.

Sana just shrugged and laughed as she misses spending time with her friends because she always hangs out with Tzuyu and is too busy at the theater club. She raised the glass of whiskey she was going to drink as soon as he swallowed it, she coughed.

"Water" Sana uttered between coughs.

Jihyo panicked to get a glass of water and she handed it immediately to Sana.

Sana took it and drank it immediately.

“I forgot it was my first time drinking alcohol” Sana said while finally feeling relieved after coughing.

Momo, Nayeon and Jihyo laughed.

"how the hell did you forget that?" Nayeon said between her laughs.

Sana's eyes rolled. “I would go to the bar with my friends in Japan before but we don’t drink because we are underage” Sana explained and put down the glass of whiskey.

The three girls finally calmed down after an excessive laugh.

"Eh ??? Then what did you guys do at the bar?" Jihyo asked confused.

"Just partying" Sana replied and looked at the bartender. "Can I get an orange juice please" she asked and the bartenders immediately followed.

"That's sad" Momo commented since she lived in Korea and always had fun with Jihyo and Nayeon while drinking alcohol whenever they wanted even they are underage before.

"Here's your drink miss" The bartender handed the orange juice to Sana.

Sana happily took it. "Thank you"

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