Chapter 5: Thanks, I guess?

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Aviana POV

"Hey Aviana, have you set up an account on tiktok? I wanna show you some people that you might take an interest to." Bexley spoke happily.

"Actually yes I did, I only followed one person so far but other than that I haven't used it too much." I responded.

"Wait who did you follow? Im just curious here."

"Some dude named Vinnie Hacker, he seems pretty hot."


"Okay yeah, now shut up you're making people at this park here look at us funny."

"Yeah okay anyways give me your phone before this turns out ugly."

I handed Bexley my phone as she quickly took it from my hands as started to swipe towards where I kept tiktok. I looked over her shoulder and saw she was on her account, and I noticed she had 100k followers!!

"BEXLEY!!! Why the fuck do you have so many followers?!"

"I actually don't know, I think I went viral like 2 times and then I guess that's is where I got all of my followers. But honestly I don't know."


"Anyways now that we have all of this fun stuff down, lets talk about the Hype House that comes to school on Monday. So Vinnie actually lives in the Hype House, but I actually have no clue if he is actually apart of it. I mean I would hope not. I just don't see him being apart of it."

"Oh, also I think that the friendship between Michael and Vinnie is actually really cute. Like I don't even know why, they just seem like they both really enjoy hanging out with each other."

"OMG yes girl!!! I love their friendship, literally so cute."

-------- Monday next week ---------

"Aviana, I am literally so excited today!"

"Why? What is today?"

"You are literally so dumb!! The Hype House is supposed to be here today with a plus oneee!"

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot! Is Vinnie the plus one?!" I said raising one of my eyebrows.

"Well we won't know that yet until they come here in an hour!!!"

I was about to respond to Bexley when I felt arms wrap around my 5'3 body and connected in the middle near my lower stomach. My reaction was slow, and it took me a few seconds before I looked up to see who it was. And out of anyone I expected it was Mike. I noticed tho, that he smelt a little like alcohol. And it felt like as if he was using me as support because he couldn't stand on his own 2 feet.

"Uhh Mike? A-are you drunk?"

"Yeah baby, im fineee."

"Uhm, I just going to leave. Uh see you later I guess." Bexley said speed walking away.

"Mike seriously, why are you drunk. We are literally at school smartypants."

"Mhmm, hey babe did you shower today? Y-you smell so good, I really just want to go home and fuck you right now."

"AND goodbye! I'll see you later at the meeting, when you are not drunk we can talk later. Bye baby Mike." I said as I kissed him on his cheek and walked away to class. 

But when I walked away I heard something as a turned the corner, I stayed behind the corner hidden and quietly listened.

"Bro, that was actually so smooth. Im surprised that she even fell for that. I swear I have seen you drunk and you definitely don't act like that." 

I Met Vinnie (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now