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Kill or be killed.

That's the world Hiccup Haddock lived in. Where the skies seemed to forever burn bright. Lit by dragon fire, and clouded with smoke.

Berk, home to, relentless, stubborn, harsh, bloodthirsty vikings. That was the home of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe, under the Chief Stoick The Vast.

For centuries the vikings followed one rule. Kill the dragons that invaded their home land, or let them kill you. It was pretty self explanatory. Every teen Vikings wanted the honor to kill a dragon, and excel in dragon training. Well, all but one.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The Third, son of Chief Stoick The Vast, heir to the tribe. He's not the average viking.

Sure he is smart, cunning, and great in the forge. But he wasn't buff, or strong or very fast. In fact the entity village, including his father, refer to Hiccup as "Hiccup the Useless" or "Fishbone" or even "Runt of the litter."

And it was true, Hiccup was a runt, and nothing but trouble, a nuisance throughout the village. No matter how hard he tried to prove himself to the village it always went wrong.

That is until one fateful night, Hiccup had shot down a Night Furry. The Unholy offspring of Lightning and Death itself. The most mysterious, feared, fastest, dragon known to the vikings. And it never misses. The dragon is as dark as night. It's scales black, and it's eyes green-ish, yellow-ish. Like acid. That's why it's so dangerous for the vikings. If they can't see it, then they better hope it can't see them.
Nobody believed Hiccup, when he told the village what happened. So Hiccup went to go find his prey, to kill it and prove the village wrong.

He searched and searched, but found nothing, scribbling in his notebook, frustrated that he can't find it. All Hiccup wanted was to kill it. To show that he isn't just a fishbone, or useless. That he could be more. He hated the look of disappointment his father gave him. How his so called friends left him because of who he is. He hated that his own cousin bullied and beat him up, with the help of the twins.

The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, are the worshippers to Loki, The God of Mischief.
Snotlout, Hiccup's cousin, and bully, are the terrible people who abused Hiccup, mentally and physically.

There was also Fishlegs. The book nerd, he's been studying dragons with Hiccup when they were really little. Then Fishlegs left Hiccup, because he didn't want to be bullied, so Fishlegs helped Snotlout, and the Twins out. But never physically hurt Hiccup.

And then there was Astrid. Practically a goddess in Hiccups eyes. She was a true Shield Maiden. Astrid hated the idea of her being some house wife. No, she is a worrier, the best at that. Well when it comes to the teens.

Hiccup has always been in love with Astrid. When they were kids, they were the best of friends. But then she left, not wanting to be friends with "Hiccup the Useless, or fishbone." Then that was the end of their friendship.

But Hiccup didn't quit. Hiccup knew Astrid would never love him. Ever. But he didn't stop, he tried everything he could do to please her. He even took advice from Gobber, the blacksmith/mentor and let's face it, he was more of a father than Stoick was. 

Gobber suggested that Hiccup made something, so he did. Hiccup spent two weeks  perfecting an axe, of the "Fearless Astrid Hofferson." He engraved his initials on the bottom of the handle.

Hiccup spent five conis, so the trader of berk, Trader Johann, to get the perfect supplies. The axe was two sided. With beautiful swirls, flowers and many other patterns. Pure silver, with a handle of black and silver.

Astrid didn't mind the "girly" axe, because it was beautiful. The most beautiful axe on the island.

Hiccup told Gobber to give it to Astrid, out of fear she would reject something made by, Useless. So Gobber gave the axe to Astrid on her birthday. But to this day, she never saw his initials.

Astrid never really hated Hiccup. But when he got the honor of killing the Monstrous Nightmare, the honor she has been trying to achieve since she was four! She hated him for it! She couldn't believe it! A month ago Hiccup was claiming that he shot down a Night Fury, now he suddenly becomes the best in dragon training!

Gothi, the elder/healer but also the person who chooses who gets to kill the dragon, and she chose Hiccup. Astrid's blood boiled as she chucked her axe at a poor tree. Hiccup gets to kill that beast tomorrow! Just that thought made her hack at the tree harder.

It wasn't until she heard a twig break, making her swing her axe in the direction. She saw a shadow figure run away. The figure was small and short. Either it was a child or Hiccup.

She ran and ran, trying to find him. But no matter how hard she looked she couldn't. That is until she heard a shericking sound, a sound that belonged to a Night Fury.

"Hiccup?!!" She yelled, running to the sound. Off in the distance she saw fire. Not at the village, but deeper into the woods. Being Astrid, fast and lean, she was able to dodge branches, jumping over logs, just to get to her destination.

When she did, she was horrified. There in a pile of ash, was hiccup's frying coat, and his melting dagger. Blood smeared on the ground and ash pile. Slowly burning, crackling against the flames. Hiccup was dead. Burnt to ash, like all the other vikings who lost the battle against dragons.

Astrid was furious! First Hiccup beats everyone in dragon training! Then he just gets killed?! Where is the logic in that? Why would the gods just kill him? And most of all, why does she care so much!? Well, that's because deep down she liked him. His smile, his constant sarcastic retorts. She missed everything about him, but what she missed most of all, is that he never gave up!

That night, Astrid never forgot what happened. She swore that she would kill every goddamn dragon that got in her way. Then she will kill that Night Fury!

She had no choice but to tell Stoick what had happened. The news of Hiccup's death spread like wildfire. 

Even the twins and Snotlout were sad. Well, not really Snotlout. In fact he was happy. He was next in line to become heir!

"Oh, come on! Shouldn't we be celebrating, instead of grieving Useless?!" That comment only got a punch to the face by Astrid. The twins snickered, while Fishlegs was trapped in his mind.

What if they were still friends. Then none of this would have happened. If Hiccup wasn't alone, it would have been two against one! Not that it would help against a Night Fury.

But Astrid felt the same. She felt that there was more she could have done. Guilt, anger, and grife, was the only thing she felt as Hiccup's boat set sail, then was engulfed in flames by the grieving vikings.

But little did everyone know, Hiccup was not dead. He just simply left. Ran away on his befriended Night Fury he found in the woods the day he went looking for the dragon. It was his little secret. He had tamed a dragon. No, he befriended a dragon! Hiccup couldn't let Berk kill themselves and the innocent dragons he has come to know.

No, if there was a way to save Berk, and the dragons then he would risk it. And that's what he did. He ran away to stop the raids. Save the dragons to his best ability, and put Berk in the past, where it belongs...

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