Finally Exhaled (JATP)

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The boys died before they got to the prom back in the 90s. Just for some clear ups.

"Eek! Prom is almost here!" Carrie said excitedly, jumping like a monkey on a tree branch. The three ghost looked at the hyped girl. "Um? What is 'prom'?" Reggie asked the girls.

Julie and Flynn looked at each other, "Prom is like, the most amazing thing you've ever imagined! How come you-" Julie nudged her friend, "oh, right! Ghosts..." She said as she nervously chuckles. Carrie face palmed herself and walked up to Alex, "well, it's sorta like a dance but more..." She explains simply.

"Oh," the three ghosts said in unison, "so like you have to have a date to one of these 'proms'?" Luke asks questionably, "well, not really, but you can if you want..." Answered Julie, who was eating her pizza. "Hey, Alex maybe you can ask out Willie!" Reggie blurts out, the drummer hits his friend with a pillow.

"Someone's got a blushing..." Luke calls out Alex's rouges on his cheeks as he gets more upset and embarrassed, "shut up, Luke!" He shouted, the girls looked at each other intrigued. "Who's this Willie guy?" Flynn asks, intriguingly, earning a slap in the arm from Julie.

"He's just a guy I met at the walk of fame," Alex said, wishing the glares can stop right now.

"Well, we're going to make it the best prom you ever had in your...." Julie paused after knowing that "life" wouldn't be an appropriate way to put it. "Uh, afterlife!" She said exclaiming with her hands out and her jiggling her "jazz fingers".

Carrie drapes her arm over her shoulder, "nice save..." she whispered in her ear as Julie rolls her eyes at the girl.

"First we need to find you some clothes," Julie said as she looks at the boys up and down. "Don't worry I!" Carrie singsongs loudly, making the others jump. "Yeah. Thanks babe..." says Julie as she takes the bags and sat them down on one of her bean bags. "Yeah, y'all really need a HUGE makeover." Flynn said as she takes one of the boys.

Carrie takes Alex and Julie gets Luke, "Come on girls, let's make them beautiful!" She cheered as they all got prepared for them to torture the boys. By the boys I mean Reggie and Luke, but reggie might enjoy it so mostly Luke.


At the prom:

The gang came to the dance; Julie in her royal purple dress with black lace trim, Carrie in her Barbie pink two-piece shimmer dress, and Flynn in her red and black sliver dress as he braids laid down including her baby hairs. The boys; Alex in his light pink tux and black dress pants with a red rose to match with the rest of the boys, Reggie all black, and Luke lace truffles and navy blue tux also with black dress pants and his hair slicked back when Julie was doing his hair, which was torturous for him.

"Okay guys we need to find our dates," Flynn said as they were standing looking around, seeing others dancing with their dates. Then a short guy walked up to them with a lily, "your date is here, my love." He bowed in front of Flynn, "Wait the violin guy?" Julie said, holding in her laughter. "Suck my clit, Jules. And he helped me with my homework so I have to do something in return..." Flynn explained as she takes the flower and walked with him as she shows him her wonderful smile. "And by helped she meant it was done for her..." Carrie uttered.

"Wow, that's shocking." Luke said as he takes Reggie's hand and pulls him in the crowd.

Julie and Carrie walked along with the other couple, now Alex was left alone, "hey, hotdog." A voice said to him, the blonde turns around and sees Willie standing behind with a small smile.

Alex walks over to him and say, "hey, uh, what are you doing here?"

"Just wading in the crowd. Heh, y'know..." Willie pushes a strand of hair out the way, showing off his glowing tanned face.

The two stand beside each other as the music blasted through the speakers, people dancing to hip hop and other pop music that came to mind. "Hey, want to get some punch?" Asked Willie, Alex was zoned out but came back to earth after hearing him call his name a couple of times. "Oh! Uh- yes! Sure I do..." He said following him across the gym.

As they had their punch and ate some of the chips the caterers had it on the red cloth table. The songs ended, a final song plays and it was the slow dance song Moonlight by Ariana Grande. Alex stuffs his hands in his pockets as he looks at Willie while he stares at his drink then looks at Alex, "y-you wanna dance?" He asked willingly, Willie smirked and makes an impression like he was thinking about it. Making Alex feel more anxious and torturing him even longer and the song is about to be over by time he gives him an answer.

"C'mon, Willie!" He whined as he stomped on the floor, Willie giggled as he finishes the rest of his punch, "yes, of course I'll dance with you." He said pulling him in the dance floor, and since they can go through people, in a way, they got to the middle of the floor and waltz in a circle like the others. Alex glance at Willie as they slowly danced like the world only had them, and they were the only two that existed. As Pride was built inside of him, he pulls him in a well-deserving kiss, it only lasted for a couple of seconds to other but to them, it felt everlasting.

Willie's brown doe eyes shine from the glazing year that were about to burst from his eye sockets. He lays his head in his chest and exhaled as he listens to Alex's heartbeat. And Alex also took a deep breath, and finally exhaled with him.

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