Merry christmas~ Jaylos

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Since today is the 1st of November, we're starting for with the Christmas stories❤️.
Shoutout to Jayloslife

Warning ⚠️
This might contain some mpreg and little bit of smut *maybe*, but I'll try my best to satisfy you guys.

I might bring a collaboration of other ships from different shows or movies, just for you guys!

Carlos, Evie, and Mal are decorating Carlos and Jay's apartment for their housewarming and Christmas party, they just moved in around December.

"OMG, Carlos be careful!" Screamed Evie, "you shouldn't hold this, it's too big for you," she said as she hands the box to Mal, "Yeah, E, he's only 2 months pregnant, so the baby is just fine and the box is not even that big!" Mal retorted.

The pregnant boy rolled his eyes, "guys, I'm just fine, and E, I know you do want anything to happen to me but there is no need for any of that, and with you and Jay being overprotective of me is putting more pressure and stress in me and the baby." Carlos explains to his blue haired best friend.

Evie started to sigh, "I'm sorry, Carlos. I didn't mean to stress you out or anything, I promise that I won't be overwhelming for you and the little bean growing inside of you." She laughs as she puts her hand on the freckled one's growing stomach, Carlos scoffed and pushed her hand away. Carlos decided to just make some cookies and eggnog for the party, Evie of course helped him reach for some ingredients from the cabinets.

Hours passed by, Jay had finally came home with the boys with the Christmas tree and food for the party, "hello ladies," the taller boy greeted his two best friends and gave them both a warm embrace, though his jacket is really cold from the 27* degree weather and snow from outside. "Hey let go of me! You're way colder than frosty the snowman!" Mal grunted as she pushed Jay's cold body away from her and tried to get warm by the fireplace.

Jay and Evie rolled their eyes playfully at the purple headed girl, Evie went over to Mal and tried to warm her with her body and kisses. Let's say that worked immediately, Jay started to look around for Carlos and asked Evie where he was, "oh he's in the kitchen with the cookies and stuff, he's been waiting for you..." Evelyn explains to Jayden as he smirks knowingly and quietly walks inside the kitchen.

As Jay looks inside the kitchen to see what Carlos is doing, he sees him mixing cooking dough and smiling at his little baby bump while wearing his boyfriend's oversized green sweater that fits his small frame so right. He bit his lip and slowly walked up behind him, his large hands gripped onto his small boyfriend's hips and startled Carlos De Vil.

"Oh, Jay! Why didn't you call me or text me that you were coming back home!" He whined, "I'm sorry, baby. You look so cute when you're startled..." The Arabic boy grins at the puppy boy and kisses the temple on his head.

"Hey, now, I'm gonna need you to back up. I'm making another batch of cookies just in case there are any more guests coming over." Carlos says matter factly, "Well, I'm sure you're not going to need that because we're having Peggy, Eliza, Angelica, De Lafayette, John, Alexander, Hercules; Julie, Alex, Luke, Reggie, and Willie. I'm pretty sure we have enough food and beverages for everyone who's coming."

"You're right, maybe this would be enough," he said as he wrapped the bowl with a plastic wrap and handed it to Jay, "put it in the fridge, maybe we'll make some cookies for ourselves."

Jay did what he was told and put it in the fridge, "you know before we can get into this party maybe we should...."


"Why not?" Jay whined, "because the guesses should be here in any minute—"

There was a doorbell at the door and a voice from the living sounded like Ben's, "I'll get it!"

He opens the door and there was more than three people at the door, "hey, I'm Julie," says the Hispanic girl who's wearing a burgundy dress with a velvet forest green jacket with black boots, "and these are my friends: Alex, Luke, Reggie, and Alex's boyfriend William but we call him Willie."

They're somewhat wearing the same thing but formal, the blonde was wearing a pink suit with a red rose in this tux pocket, the short haired brunette was wearing a dark blue tuxedo with a black bow tie, the jet black haired boy was wearing a tux too but in red. The long brunette wears just a black tux with shorts that reaches the knees and the rest of his hair was in a ponytail with a lob strand of hair dangling on the side of his face.

"Well come on in!" Ben invites them in.

More and more guests came, they danced, chatted, and sang Christmas Carols; after the party the last person that was left was Evie who was carried out from the alcohol inside of the eggnog in her cup she put inside.

"It was a great party, Los. Just going to be bad hangovers and shit." Muttered Mal, "Yeah I know, but things happen for a reason."

"I hope E will be okay." He looks at his best friend with worry, "C, she'll be fine don't worry..." she leaves the apartment, "bye..."

"So, you ready now?" Jay said eagerly, Carlos is already tired, but maybe Jayden can help him, if you know what I mean.

"Yeah, come on, the bed's going to be really cold without you to help me warm it up..."

Jay's ears started to perk up at the sound of this, "oh, you don't have to tell me twice!"

He chases Carlos upstairs as he giggles as Jay closes the door behind them.

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