Chapter 7 - Safe with you

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Normally, I would have pulled away immediately but I didn't care at this point. I was just thankful to have gotten out of that alive and well. I felt safe in his arms as he rubbed my back soothingly. I didn't care that I barely knew him or that I was full-on ugly crying. I cared that he was there. He eventually helped me off the floor but never once broke our embrace, and I was so thankful for that. Then I heard a car stop behind us. Slightly startled I pulled away and look over to it, only to realise it was Nick. At first, he didn't look too happy at the fact I was hugging a boy. But once he saw my face he knew something was up. 

"Y/n? Y/N! What happened? Are you okay?" he said in a panic. I didn't say anything as I clung to him like my life depended on it. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe. I could hear him and Toby talking but I wasn't listening. I was just thankful to be in the secure arms of my brother. 

Tubbo POV (starting at the start of this chapter)

I held onto her as she cried. I didn't know everything that those guys did to her but I had a feeling I didn't want to know. I rubbed her back in a calming motion in an effort to calm her down a bit more. She looked up at me with her big y/e/c eyes and smiled. I relaxed a bit. I know that she was far from okay at the moment and that smile was probably forced but anything I could get from her I cherished.

I heard a car come behind us and slow to a stop. I immediately recognised the man as he walked over to us. He was my tutor a few years back. However, he didn't have the warm smile I usually saw him with he looked almost... mad? Once he saw the girl's face his turned from angry to worried. 

"Y/n? Y/N! What happened? Are you okay?" he asked. She didn't answer and simply hugged him tightly. I watched as the two embraced for a minute before he turned to me.

"What happened to her?" he asked. I explained how I was on the phone to my mum when I saw a group of guys walk up to her and start harassing her. I told him how they got spooked when I shouted at them and ran off leaving her on the ground, sobbing. He looked back at me and I could see the gratitude in his eyes.

"I can't thank you enough Toby," he said, holding back his tears "If you hadn't shown up I don't know what would have happened."

"There's no need to thank me, sir," I said "I'm honestly just glad she's okay" I looked down at her as she helplessly clung on to her brother. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"No, I will always be in debt to you for this," he said, looking down at his sister "You might have saved my sister's life today"

Those words hit me harder then they should have. I know I barely knew her and I only just learnt her name but the thought of losing her scared me. I gave him a half-smile and he started leading his sister over to the car. She opened the car door and paused before running back over to me and wrapping her arms around me one last time. 

"Thank you," she whispered in my ear. Her voice sent chills down my spine (the good kind). I squeezed her tightly before watching her get into her brother's car and speed off. I sighed to myself as I started walking home. Safe to say, my little crush wasn't getting any smaller.


The car ride home was one I will always be thankful for. I didn't know that those guys wanted to do with me, but I can assure you it wasn't going to be pretty. I remember the exact moment I felt Toby's arms wrap around me. I remember how safe I felt as he held me tightly. I remember looking into his sparkling brown eyes and feeling the butterflies flutter in my stomach. I've only known of his existence for a day but it feels like I've known him my whole life. Of course, Nick was worried sick about me. Asking countless questions and glancing at me every few minutes. Almost like he was checking I was safe. If I thought he was protective before I definitely wasn't planned for this.

When we got home I was so tired I just flopped onto the sofa. Although it was only 9pm I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Word count - 802

Summary - Y/n and Tubbo remain in a tight embrace for many minutes. Then Nick's car pull up behind them. He originally looks mad at the sight of his little sister and a boy but as soon as he sees his sister that anger turns to worry. Y/n clings on to Nick while Nick talks to Tubbo about the incident. Nick thanks Tubbo for protecting her and they head to their car. Y/n pauses and runs back to Tubbo for one last hug whle thanking him once again. She gets in the car and drives off. Tubbo begins his walk home. When Y/n arrives at home she falls asleep almost immediately.

Hey everyone :)

Sorry if this is quite bad I'm quite tired atm! Anyway I want to once again thank you for the support and if you enjoy my stories please make sure to follow as I hope to write more of these in the future (maybe a dnf but we'll see). Once again eat, drink and shower you beautiful specamins <3

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