Chapter 19 - Confession

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TW// homophopia

"A- are you free later today?"

My heart fluttered. We had hung out together so much, almost every day and yet it still gave me butterflies when he asked.

"S- sure where?" I stammered, my face turning a shade of pink. He blushed.

"It's a surprise," he said, winking at me. I looked at him, confused.

"Are you gonna take me somewhere to kill me?" I asked. He laughed.

"Damn how did you figure it out?" We both giggled and I stood up to put my plate away. He got up as well and took the plate from me before I could even take a step and put it in the dishwasher. I smiled at his simp nature. I went back to his room and grabbed my old clothes and my phone before heading back downstairs to leave. He followed me to the front door and turned to face me before I opened the door.

"Don't forget, 8 pm tonight," he smiled "And bring something warm," 

"Why when I just ask for your hoodies?" I giggled. He smiled and tucked some hair behind my ear.

"Because you know I can't say no to you so I'll freeze to death,"

"Better you than me,"

He sighed playfully and hugged me before I left. The whole walk home all that was on my mind was him. Where was he going to take me? Was it a date? No, it can't be. We're not even dating. I sighed as I remembered that. Sometimes it feels like we are. Like how I snuggled into him when we watched that horror film. Or when we were at the party when we were dancing together and almost kissed. I can't help but wonder if he really does like me or just got caught up in the moment. I arrived at home, my mind still clouded with my thoughts when I opened the door to see a very unexpected sight.

My brother, snuggling into the chest of the one and only Karl Jacobs. I couldn't help but giggle when they looked over in my direction. A mixture of shock and embarrassment flushed Nick's face.

"Oh my God," I said finally. Nick leapt up and started blabbering, his face bright red. 

"Y- y/n it's not what it looks like! I promise!" he spluttered. Karl and I couldn't help but laugh at that statement.

"Nick I'm dumb but not that dumb," I laughed, going to the kitchen to get a glass of water as he followed me, still desperately trying to make me believe that he just "happened" to be cuddling his best friend. He eventually realised that he was only making the situation worse for him and turned to Karl, who laughed and took him into a tight embrace.

"Shhh it's fine Nick," he said softly, stroking his hair. I couldn't help but almost gag at how sickeningly adorable they were.

"Ugh stop you guys are too adorable," I giggled, taking a sip of water. Nick lifted his head from Karl's shoulder and walked over to me.

"So... you're fine with it?" he asked nervously, staring at the floor. Without hesitation, I gave him the biggest hug ever possible.

"Of course, I'm okay with it dumbass," I said softly. He laughed and sunk into my embrace. 

I spent the rest of the morning handing out with Nick and Karl. It turns out they had been dating for quite some time but Nick was scared that I would be grossed out by this. It was quite cute how perfect they were together. Nick can be quite aggressive and loud whereas Karl was just an angel. They sort of balance each other out. As they were talking, Nick had his arm protectively around Karl's shoulder and Karl was playing with the strings on his hoodie. It almost reminded me about that night with Tubbo.

By the time we had caught up, it was already around 3 o'clock so we decided to go and get something to eat at a nearby pizza place. We sat down and placed our order. I got a pepperoni pizza with red onions (this is one of my favourite pizza topping combos try it it's bomb af), Nick got a sausage pizza with ham and Karl got an olive pizza. While we were waiting for our meal I couldn't help but notice a group of guys staring at us from across the place. I tried to ignore them but then they got up and started to come towards us. I looked at Nick and Karl who both had a very worried expression on their faces.

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