Chapter 8 - Breath of fresh air

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I woke up to the delicious smell of bacon and pancakes, coming from the kitchen. I checked the time, 10:30. I was confused because Nick never wakes up this early unless he has to. Not being able to resist the smell of breakfast any longer, I got up and trod to the kitchen. Nick was flipping pancakes and singing to himself. I chuckled.

"I didn't even know you could make toast," I said jokingly. He flinched, obviously startled at my sudden appearance before smiling at me.

"Well, there are a lot of things you don't know about me." He winked "So how are you?"

I was dreading that question. Ever since the incident, I had tried to erase it from my brain. But I couldn't. I could hear the voices of the guy playing over and over in my head. I could almost feel his hands on my wrists. I shuddered slightly just at the thought of it. Of course, I wasn't going to tell my brother about it. He felt guilty enough not being there and I don't want him to worry about me.

"Pretty good," I said quietly. I could tell he didn't believe me. That's the one downside of being so close to my brother, he could read me like a fucking book. He sighed but didn't say anything. Probably sensing I didn't really want to talk about it before handing me a plate of pancakes and bacon. I smiled and we sat down at the table together.

"So have you got any plans for today?" I asked, scoffing my face with bacon.

"No, Clay and George did invite me to go to an arcade later but I said no," he said. I looked up from my plate. 


He sighed. " I know you probably don't want to go anywhere today and I couldn't stand the thought of you being alone today."

"Hey, look at me," I said. He looked up from his plate. I could see that he wanted to go and there was no way I was gonna let him stay here with me. "Please just go"

"No y/n I'm not leaving you by yourself after what happened," he said firmly

"Then I'll come with you!" I said. In reality, I hated the idea of going out in public but I wasn't about to be the reason Nick missed out on a day of fun. He looked at me sceptically.

"I don't know y/n..."

"Come on I'll be fine I promise you," I said. He sighed.

"Are you are you're going to be ok?" he said reluctantly. 


"Ok fine, but you better not leave my sight." I nodded and gave him a hug before going to get ready. Although it was just Nick's friends, I still wanted to look good. I spent around 5 minutes finding the perfect outfit before putting it on and looking in the mirror

 I spent around 5 minutes finding the perfect outfit before putting it on and looking in the mirror

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