Truth or Dare

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The group decide to let the night die down and they just chilled and watched another movie.

George was snuggled up against Dream and Tommy and Tubbo were on either side of Dream and George dozing off to sleep. It was 12 AM and they were going to stay up late for Christmas tomorrow.

Sapnap was in the kitchen refilling on popcorn when Dream walked in. "Oh hey Dream," Sapnap said groggily. "Hey Sap, just came to get a water." Sapnap took the bag out of the microwave and poured it into the bowl.

"So how are you and George doing? Like besides you fucking him and all." Dream and Sap started laughing trying keep it down so they didn't wake up the children.

Bad walked out of the bathroom and whisper shouted, "Language!"

They started laughing a little louder still try to contain the noise. "Yeah yeah whatever Bad." Dream said.

"Anyways yeah me and George are good. I just can't believe we didn't even wait a day to have our first kiss when he came over." Sapnap gave him a dead ass look.

"Jeez you both didn't even wait a day? Wait how'd it happen?" Dream sat down with Sap on one of the bar stools he had at his counter. "Well I was giving him a tour and we went into my closet. Yeah I know it's ironic. He saw my wall full of his merch, I got flustered and we kissed." Sapnap was trying to contain his laughter. "I- I can't believe that you had your guys' first kiss in a closet!"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

Next day- also Christmas time

Tubbo was wide awake at 8 am making breakfast. For a child, he was pretty good at making pancakes.

After he was done he ran through the house and held a mega phone in his hand. "WAKE UP PEOPLE IT CHRISTMAS"

Everyone got out of bed still in their pj's. "I swear on god Tubbo I am going to end you!" Tommy screamed. The two ran around the house Tubbo screaming for his dear life. George laughed at the two while Dream face palmed.

"Ok so guys we have a dinner reservation for this really nice place. Me and George went a couple of days ago and we think you guys would like it." George's face lit up. He absolutely loved that place.

"Ok yeah we should get ready in a bit; first let's open presents~"

Later at 5pm- sorry I just didn't know what to put for the presents.

After a couple of hours of bickering, the group decided to get ready for the dinner. George wore a dark silk blue button up with black pants. Dream wore a dark green button up vest with a white button up under and black pants.

As George looked into the mirror adjusting his outfit, he felt Dream slide his hands around his waist. Dream gave him a small kiss on the neck and whispered, "You look amazing."

Tommy was getting ready in the next room with Tubbo. Tommy wore a dark red polo shirt tucked in with black pants and Tubbo wore a a light green button up with grey pants. "You owe me a set of netherite armor Tommy." Tommy rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah I know, your just lucky Dream and George started dating before we came."

Sapnap and Bad were in the next room bickering about whether Bad should ask Skeppy out. Sap wore a black button up with grey pants and Bad wore a Red button up with grey pants as well.

"Oh come on just ask him! I just know he'll say yes." Bad was getting flustered from the talk of Skeppy. "I know it just what if he doesn't I just don't want to ruin our friendship." Sap sighed a patted Bad on the back. "Trust me, he'll say yes."

At the restaurant

The group walked in and immediately the two teens stared up and the ceiling. Covered with tapestry and the gold and crystal chandeliers hanging above every other table. Sap looked around the quiet restaurant thinking about how the kids would absolutely turn the noise level up.

The group sat around the booth and had light conversation about the SMP. They talked for a bit and then their orders came out. Not minutes later. Tommy accidentally flung a shrimp across the room making the whole group go red and keep their heads down leaving the two kids laughing hysterically.

Back at the house- I'm so sorry for all the time skips I'm just tryna get to the good part 😏

The group got home and changed into some more comfier clothes.

The group gathered around the coffee table in the living room as Dream walked out with red wine, vodka and whiskey. "Ok so bad said he didn't want to drink so he's going make sure Tommy and Tubbo don't do anything dumb."

"Oh please what do you mean us, he's going to have to baby sit you guys!" Tommy exclaimed.
Dream rolled his eyes and everyone started laughing. "Ok so we agreed on truth or dare; Not it."-"Not it," everyone said synchronizing. George sighed. "I guess I'll go." Dream gave him a small smirk and filled his glass with wine.

"Ok Bad truth or dare?"-"Truth." George let out another sigh and rolled his eyes. "Ok everyone else in the group knows but me, so who do you like?" Bad threw his hood on and tightened the strings out of frustration.

"Skeppy!" Bad shouted. George wasn't surprised at all. He knew Bad liked Skeppy, but he wanted to be sure.

"Ok my turn... Tommy truth or dare?" Tommy snapped out of the gaze he had on his phone. "Dare bitch." Tommy said sarcastically. "Language! Ok ummm don't cuss at all tomorrow." Tommy rolled his eyes, "Yeah ok bitch."-" Hey I said no cussing!" Tommy started laughing. "You said tomorrow." Bad made a pouty face and hugged his knees.

"Ok Dream truth or dare?" Dream looked at George with a smirk and winked at him finishing his 2nd glass of wine.


"Ok George don't kill me; Dream I dare you to be locked in your room with George for 10 minutes."

Dream looked at George and George looked at Dream. Dream bit his lip and smirked. And George started blushing as a small smirk grew on his face.

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