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As soon as the song was over George quickly rushed out of the bar and sat on a bench waiting for Sapnap. Instead, a certain blonde had followed him out.

"George I swear it's not what you think." George rolled his eyes accidentally letting a flow of tears out. "Seriously she had to be blonde?"

Dream was trying his best not to laugh. It was a really bad stress response he had picked up on when he was younger.

"George look just let me explain..." George loved him, probably more than himself. He start to think maybe he had over reacted. But then again, who lies about their sisters doctor appointment to go out with some whore.

"It's my cousin, she's in town and I grew up with her and my mom called me in to surprise me; I swear you can even ask my mom you know how much she loves you Georgie."

George looked up at him with teary eyes. "Can I meet her then?" Dream nodded and pulled him in for tight hug. "I would never do that to you. And seriously especially not my cousin-"

George giggled a bit and wiped his tears away and hugged him back gently. "Shit we still have to get Sapnap to the airport!" George quickly ran back inside dragging Sapnap and Dreams cousin out.

"Ok nice to meet you but we have like 30 minutes so, Dream hurry the fuck up."


They arrived at the airport and Dream had arranged for his mom to pick his cousin up while they accompanied Nick throughout the airport.

"Well guys, this is it." Sapnap didn't want to make it too sentimental or corny for the sake of his embarrassment. George pulled the trip in for a small hug as they said their good byes.

"Well what should we do now?" Dream asked wrapping his arms around the waist of the smaller boy. "Let's go home and just watch a movie I'm kind of tired anyways."

Dream nodded and gave a quick peck on the lips before taking his hand and guiding him through the busy airport.

Home. He had only been there for less than a week and he was already calling it home.


When they got home, all Dream seemed to do was pepper him in kisses even while George was making the popcorn and scrolling through Netflix to find something entertaining to watch.

"Dream, why are you so needy?" George ask partially sarcastic and partially lovingly.

Dream finally stop kissing him and just rested his head on his chest. "Because~"

George rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Dream and covered both of them with a blanket. "What is this?" Dream asked as the intro to the movie started.

"I would watch this movie all the time, it's like the nights of the round table but stupidly funny." Dream shrugged in response snuggles more into George's hold.

George found it quite hard to pay attention to the movie as he played with Dreams hair. They were already 15 minutes into the movie and despite it being one of George's favorites, he was bored out of his mind.

"Hey I'm bored wanna play on the server? You can stream too." Dream nodded his head and carried George to his computer.

Once they were each set up, Dream went live in a discord call with George. "Hi chat!" Chat was going crazy. The last stream was dropped like a bomb so I guess you could say he didn't expected to die down easily.

"Today we're just doing a chill stream with George and maybe a bit of a Q&A later." George said hi to chat the both went running around screwing with Tommy's house. George felt kind of bad they could always put shit back off stream.

Just a couple minutes later Big Q started running up towards the duo and started to punch Dream with a potato.

Dream started to run away leaving George laughing still stealing from the child. "Well stream, there you have it, Dreamwastaken is a pussy~" Dream rolled his eyes even tho the other boy couldn't see him.

"Aren't you the pussy since you're not fighting him?"

Quackity was slain by Georgenotfound

Dream let out a snarky sigh. "Still, you're the pussy not me." George walked up to Dream and hit him with his sword. "Are you sure you want to say that?"

Dream hit him back with his axe, "Bite me."

Dream was slain by Georgenotfound

"Ok well fuck you George." George raised an eyebrow and walked back to where Dream had set the spawn bed. "That a promise?"

Dream let out an uncontrolled wheeze and banged on his keyboard. "George what is with you today?" He said still half laughing.

"You really wanna know?" This sent chills down Dreams spine. Not only did it affect Dream, but the chat was going fucking crazy.

Before he could say anything, Quackity joined the vc. "What the fuck are you doing to Tommy's house?! Wait- isn't he supposed to be with you guys?"

Dream chuckled at the mans anger and they all met halfway on the prime path. "No everyone left for their flights a couple of hours ago."

Quackity nodded in response and they decide to make Quackity apart of their mischievous destruction, surely leaving a bit of a mess for Hannah.


A couple of hours later they had decide to stop streaming and just stay in a call with Quackity and catch up on life.

"So how'd you guys finally get together?" The couple giggle replaying that afternoon in their head all over again. "Well since Dream's a simp, he had a whole wall in his closet dedicated to my merch~"

Dream was blush furiously and sigh loudly. "Yeah and then we kissed and-" Dream interrupted him before he could go any further.

"And yeah that's it!" George rolled his eyes. Dream could feel his smirk through the discord call.

"Well guys I think I'm gonna head out, I gotta go get food. I'll talk to you guys later, alright?"

They said their goodbyes leaving the two alone. And of course as always, they both start to walk to the others room. Always bumping into eachother.

"We have to stop meeting up in the hallway it's so pointless-" George giggled and hugged the taller. "It really is, but fuck the conversation, your room?" Dreams eyes glistened and he lifted George so that his legs wrapped around his waist.

"Fine by me~"

Word count 1087 sorry for the delay my dog died, wilburs back, and I'm working on a song :)

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