chapter 7

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{No one's pov}

When the three,quickly ran into the garden they found Trip lying there.

" RUTHLESS take,that ladder off him now!!!!"They worked in Team and lifted carefully,the ladder of Trip, which almost crushed him.

" oh my goodness TRIPLE G !!!! Bunny call an ambulance immediately !!!! " Double G said in a frightening tone.

" I'm already dub !!! Yes, hello I need an ambulance ! The son ,of my boss has just fallen backwards from his window with a ladder from a very great height. If it is just his son how is injured? ... yes He's unconscious, if he,is still breathing? I will,check please wait hmm... Yes he,is still breathing ! what injuries,he has? ummm, he has fallen on his head. And the ladder has almost crushed him, if we have moved the ladder?.. yes we did, we already took it off from him because the ladder was very heavy, where his son is right now ? ummm!! yes, he is in the garden that is behind the house. If he has others injuries ? let me look at him just a second. !! I can't see any other injuries. Where my boss lives?, in blooklyn .... you want to know the name of the father?. His name is Gale G Griffin, yes that is he... The address is GGG home 236... Yes, right there. okay, please hurry up. Goodbye. " Bunny said to them and hung up the phone.

"Wow,they wanted to know so many things... unbelievable !!! this people are so bossy like Double G!!!„ Bunny said to himself annoyed.

" Bunny !!! when will they be here? " Dub asked Bunny in a stressed tone.

"They're coming,as soon as possible, Dub." Bunny said to him.

" okay, My poor Son, daddy didn't want to scare you. That's all just my fault ! If I hadn't screamed at you, it wouldn't have happened!" Double G said in a sad tone.

" Dub now don't blame yourself ! what happen is done now. we can't change anything at all now and feeling guilty does not help Trip at all ! Bunny said to him.

Meanwhile, when Bunny and Double G were chatting, Ruthless looked around in the garden during the time.... And there he found Trip's travel bag lying on the floor.

"HEY DUB, I FOUND SOMETHING HERE." Ruthless said in his loud voice what scared the other two a bit.

Double G came up to Ruthless and looked at what he found.

" You found a travel bag? Where did it come from? Do you think, this belongs to Triple G Ruthless????„ Dub said to himself und then asked Ruthless in a confusing voice.

" COULD BE DUB !!! I WILL LOOK INSIDE, AH ..... YES, IT BELONG TO TRIP DUB !!! " Ruthless said very loudly to him.

" okay, but why are his things packed in his travel bag? Do you think,he wanted to run away ??? .... OH MY GOD MY SON WANTED TO RUN AWAY !!!! For this reason, he also needed the ladder!!!! Oh Triple G why !!!! Just because of our dispute.... Oh man I'm such a bad dad ! Okay, Dub you have to calm down now, I'm just concentrating on Trip now. He's more important to me than the dispute we had. I promise you my son, Daddy will not leave you alone in hospital. You are so important to me!" Double G said quite terrified.

"Oh Dub you're not a bad dad, you just have to be there for him now." Bunny said to him in a cheerful voice, because he couldn't see his boss so sad anymore.

" thank you Bunny ! " Double G said to him with a little smile.

[Suddenly you could hear the sirens from the ambulances.]

At this moment the ambulance arrived. Ruthless showed the paramedics and the doctor where Trip was.

"HE'S RIGHT HERE." Ruthless said in his loud voice to the paramedics.

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