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She walked into the deadheads and sat with her back to a tree. 

"I have to get out of here." She mutters to herself, Elizabeth was starting to like it here till she found out there were assholes here.

"I don't think thats the best idea." An unfamiliar voice said behind her, she looked back to see an Asian boy walking up to her. 

"Who are you." It seemed like she was asking that a lot around here. 

He sat down with his back to a tree

"Minho, nice to meet you Greenie." 

"You don't want to leave. Those walls." He pointed to the walls, you could just faintly see them past all the trees. 

"Past them there are these horrible creatures called grievers. If you run into one you wont live to find your way out." 

"Yeah, yeah whatever." She rolls her eyes. 

"Listen, I know what Deo did. He's an ass alright.  Alby put him to a week into the pit and everyone knows that you didn't do what he said you did." He gave her a sympathetic look.

"I just don't get how fast he believed him." Elizabeth sighed.

"He's known Deo for 2 years, you gotta understand that he's never done something like this." Elizabeth just stared at him contemplating on what shes gonna do. 

"Now c'mon. You can't be late to your own celebration." He stuck his hand out as he stood up. 

Minho grinned as Elizabeth took his hand. 

They both walked out of the deadheads. 

"If anyone gives me a weird look can I punch them?" She grins. 

"I wish, but you'll probably be sent to the pit with Deo." Minho chuckles aswell, they tossed jokes back and forth till they reached the picnic tables. 

"Hey Elizabeth." Alby said approaching the two of them. 

"Listen I'm sorry." 

"It's alright." She said sitting down. 

Maybe, just maybe she could get comfortable here. 

"I would hug you but your a giant." She shrugs causing Alby to chuckle. 

"Alright, Minho c'mon you've got to held me with the little bonfire tonight." Alby begins to walk away. 

"See ya greenie." He chases after Alby. Elizabeth sat down thinking for a moment. 

"Grievers? What are grievers?" She thought imagining what they look like. Tall creature with long legs, sharp teeth? Or maybe a spider-like creature that sticks you to its web. Or maybe like a dog like person with spider legs on the side, no face and sharp teeth. 

"God, your scaring yourself Eliza." She groans. Her curiosity was taking over. 

She stood up and walked back over to the Hammocks to put away her box. 

After putting it away she laid down on the hammock. 

"Time to rel-" 

"Get up, no slacking." a British voice said causing her to sit up and groan. 

"I just want a second, everything's been chaos." She glares at him. 

"Just get up, i've got something to show you.." He sighed walking towards the watch tower, it was beginning to get dark. 

"Ugh, fine." She stands up and follows him like a lost puppy. 

They go up the watch tower and face the sun. 

Belle Ame [The Maze Runner - Newt]Where stories live. Discover now