Fries & Chocolate Frappé

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After the doppelgängers left the house they walked in comfortable silence next to each other on the pavement towards the centrum of Mystic Falls.

Katherine's heart drummed against her ribcage and her hand felt all tingly since she still held Elena's hand. Elena herself could feel the butterflies growing in her stomach and she didn't manage to hide the smile on her lips.

Despite the fact that they look like twins; If someone saw them they probably would have thought they were a couple. But both didn't pay any attention to how they looked like. They just enjoyed the moment and continued their way without any interruptions.

When they finally made it to the centrum, they stood in front of the Mystic Grill, looking for a table. It was a nice and warm summer day so people could sit outside. It was also pretty full, but Elena spotted a free table that was closer to the street than to the building.

"Over there." She nudged Katherine and pointed to the table with her head. Katherine nodded and they made their way over there and both took a seat, sitting opposite each other.

"So what do you want? I'll pay." Katherine took the menu which laid on the table, casually looking through it.

"Hmm, I'll take fries and a chocolate frappé. And you really don't have to pay." Elena stared at Katherine who was still busy studying the menu.

"Fries and chocolate frappé? Interesting combination. I'll just have a cappuccino." Katherine laid the menu back on the table, fully ignoring Elena's statement.

"Katherine! You seriously don't have to pay. You've already paid for the croissants and they landed on the floor. It's my turn now." Katherine just raised her eyebrows at her doppelgänger who sat in front of her with a cute pout on her face.

"I know, but I also know that I was the one who asked you out to lunch. So therefore I'm paying." Katherine smirked at Elena mockingly. "Deal with it."

Elena tried to scowl at the other woman but her lips curled up into a grin and she let out a small laugh.

"Fine. But next time I'm paying."

"So there will be a next time?" Katherine spoke softly as her eyes lit up and the butterflies in her stomach seemed to go wild. She found it incredibly cute how Elena blushed at her question and she subconsciously bit her lip.

"Maybe." Elena replied, trying to cover her blush by playfully smirking at Katherine.

Katherine laughed and was just about to reply when a voice interrupted her.


Both girls looked up to see Matt standing there, holding a tray with glasses on it. It was obvious he was currently working here. His eyes switched between Katherine and Elena, confusion clear in his eyes and a frown on his face. Katherine rolled her eyes, annoyed at their interruption. She turned back to Elena who looked at Matt with wide eyes.

"Matt!" Elena exclaimed nervously. "Hey. How you doing?"

"I'm fine actually. Uhm.." He glanced at Katherine. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Elena glanced at Katherine, too, who picked her nails and looked extremely annoyed. Elena sighed. She knew why Matt wanted to talk to her. It wasn't everyday that she went out to lunch with Katherine. The woman who supposedly hated her.

"Matt. Can we talk later?" She really didn't want to talk to him now. "I'm kind of busy right now."

Katherine stopped picking her nails and looked up at that. She cocked her head, giving Elena an intense stare. Elena could feel her stare, but kept her eyes on Matt, silently pleading him to leave. But Matt was having none of it.

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