What Have We Done

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The Salvatore Brother's were in their huge living room and Stefan once again tried to argue with Damon about not giving up on Elena and that they had to do something.

But Elena's comment about how they destroyed her life had hurt Damon deeply and so he drowned his pain in alcohol. And although Stefan's talking about not giving up on Elena annoyed him, he couldn't bring himself to tell Stefan what Elena had said to him.

It would hurt Stefan even more than it hurt him.

He wanted to spare his brother from this pain. Besides, he had small hope, that Elena didn't mean what she said. She was upset and when you're upset you say things you don't mean. He also hoped that it was because Elena is currently under the bad influence from her evil doppelgänger.

He blanked out on Stefan's talking and stared at the wall while trying to figure out what was going on between her and Katherine and what Katherine was up to.

Because Damon just couldn't imagine Katherine to willingly hang out with her doppelgänger without any ulterior motives.

"... to do something, Damon!" Stefan said for the hundred time. It was too much for Damon.

"NO STEFAN! Don't you get it?!" Stefan only gaped at Damon, taken aback by his sudden outburst.

"We can't do anything! At least not about Elena. Because the problem here is Katherine."


"Yes. It's always Katherine. Damn, Stefan. Don't be so blind. Why would Katherine willingly hang out with Elena when there wouldn't be any benefit for her, huh?"

"You mean she's just using her for something?" Stefan said dumbfounded.

Damon just gave him a pointed look which obviously said 'duh'.

"I mean, how could we be so blind? There's no use in trying to talk some sense into Elena. We all know how stubborn she is. And it's even more useless when she has Katherine by her side, being a huge and, not to forget, bad influence to her." Damon had started to pace in front of the fire place, while Stefan was watching him with huge eyes.

His brother was right. How could he be so blind and not realize that they were in fact talking about Katherine. The most selfish and manipulative woman he knew. Of course there was something shady about her behavior towards Elena. Stefan mentally slapped himself on the forehead for being so ignorant.

"But why should she...?"

"Because she's Katherine!" Damon cut Stefan off. "She likes to play games."

"I know that, but I was about to say that letting Elena feed her fries seems not like the typical Katherine game to me."

They both pulled a face at this image. It was just plain weird.

"Oh I'm sure Katherine has some sick reason for that one, too." Damon gritted his teeth together.

"But what is she planning and why does she need Elena for it?" Stefan asked confused.

"I mean she gave her the cure. What else could she possibly want?"

"I don't know. We have to find out." Damon stopped pacing and faced his brother.

"But it's obvious that she's trying to get Elena to trust her first." Damon mused.

"She already has her kind of against us." Stefan continued.

"Exactly why we can't reason with Elena, but have to do something against Katherine!" Damon finished.

"And what do you suggest? Kill her? Throw her in the tomb? Like you said, it's Katherine. It's not like we can actually do something against her." Stefan sighed and put his head in his hands.

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