Chapter 3

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Basils POV
It's been around 3 months since my dad has gone missing. I have busied my self with training and dancing, they are really the only things that I do these days. If it weren't for Dillion moving in around the first month, I don't think I would be eating. He practically shoves food down my throat.

I hate all the pitiful stares that I get because they all think that he's gone, like really gone. But I just can't think like that because if I think like that then I don't know what will happen.

Our annual dance recital is happing tomorrow and I am in quite a lot of numbers which is good cause it keeps my mind from wandering. I even have the last number of the night as a solo. I thought it would be nice to dedicate it to my dad. I even designed my outfit to be similar to the one I wore when her first met me. A large rose crown and a flowy white dress.

Dillion's POV
Basil has done nothing but throw herself into training and dancing. It's very unhealthy but that is how she is coping. I think me moving in has helped with her eating and just over all taking care of herself.

I am walking passed Basils room to see the news turned on and her sprawled out on her bed starring at the ceiling.

"Knock knock. What are you doing"

"Waiting for the abyss to swallow me whole"

"Well I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon so how about instead we go into the living room, turn on a Clueless, and eat Ben and Jerry's"

"Ok fine"

I drag her out of bed and lead her to the couch. I go to the kitchen to get the ice cream when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I look to see who's calling and to my surprise it's Pepper. Why would Pepper be calling me?

"Hey Pepper what's up?"

"Hi Dillion, umm there is something that I need to tell you and you have to promise not to tell Basil"

"Ummm ok what is it"

"Well they found Tony"

"Omg.... wait why don't you want Basil to know that?!"

"I want to tell her but when they talked to Tony he specifically told them he wanted to surprise Basil so I am respecting his wishes. Would you be able to keep her inside and away from the media until after the recital?"

"Ya I can definitely do that we were just about to sit down and watch a movie anyways"

"That's great also Jarvis is monitoring her phone and the TVs to make sure she doesn't find out. I will see you both tomorrow. Thank you so much Dillion"

"No problem Pepper, goodbye"

With that he hung up and now it was time to keep the biggest secret of his life from his best friend. This should be fun.


It's almost opening and Basil was shockingly calm. Normally she would be pacing and rambling on about random stuff but today she knew the one person who she always wanted to make proud would not be in the audience.

No word has been said to her about her fathers return so she just went out and preformed to the best she could. She avoided looking at the front row center seat afraid of breaking down on stage by not being met with her fathers eyes.

It was time for her to preform her solo, the last dance of the night. The lights dined as she took her place on stage. The song "Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. She flowed through the movements and without her noticing a few tears slipped out of her eyes.

She melted into her final pose and then heard something that she thought she wound never hear again. It was a loud whistle but it didn't belong to just anyone, no. It belonged to her dad, HER DAD! Her eyes snapped to the front row, middle seat. That's when her eyes locked with the brown eyes that belonged to her father.

At this point tears were streaming down both of their faces and Basil ran to the edge of the stage and jumped off. She ran straight to her dads arms not caring that a whole room of people's eyes were on the pair. She hugged him like he was the only thing keeping her on the ground.

Finally Tony was able to form words, "I missed you my little flower" With those simple words and the use of her childhood nickname, Basil cried even harder into her dads chest. Finally she let go just enough to meet his eyes. He pressed a firm kiss on her forehead.

"How are you here" was what she managed to croak out.

"Rhody found me and now I'm here safe and sound"

"Don't ever leave me aging"

"I won't leave you, I promise"

Even tho Basil has a powers that she doesn't even know the full extent of and sometimes is quite frankly afraid of what they can do, is being trained to become a secret agent, she still needed the protection of her dad. He was her hero and to be able to have him back means the world to her.

Her dad finally managed to get her back stage to take bows and to get ready to go home. She had a few words to say to her best friend that went along the lines of "why didn't you tell me that my dad was alive!?" After she cooled down she grabbed her stuff and went to meet her dad. Happy grabbed her stuff to load into the car and she latched onto her dad with her head on his shoulder. On the drive to the jet she fell asleep on her dad shoulder so Tony decided to pick her up and bring her into the jet(since she is quite small and light) He kissed her head and tucked her into the bed on the jet ready to get home and spend some much needed time with is daughter.

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