Chapter 4

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A.N. Hey guys sorry that I have been so behind on posting. School has just been very hectic for me lately. We are going back in person soon and I have a lot to do to prepare. Thanks for sticking with me! Now on to the story!

Basil opened her eyes to a site that she didn't expect. She was in her room. Her room in Malibu. How did she get here? But then it all hit her. Her dad is back. Her dad is alive. They must have gotten home and she fell asleep.

This girl got out of her bed so fast that she almost fell on her face. She raced out of her room to be treated by the smell of pancakes. She expected Pepper to be at the stove making breakfast but she wasn't greeted by the strawberry blond. No, it was her dad. Dancing to AC/DC while flipping pancakes.

That brought a smile to Basil's face and she watched him from the doorway. Finally she went up to him and gave him the biggest hug from behind. Tony chuckled and turned around to face her and then brought her into another hug. They stayed like that for a while just enjoying each others company until they smelted something burning.

"Is something burning" sniffed Basil

"Shit the pancakes" Tony turning around trying to salvaged the rest of the pancakes. This made Basil laugh. Like really laugh. Her first genuine laugh since her dad had been captured.

"I guess cereal it is" Tony huffed from the pancake disaster.

It's been a couple days since Basil and her dad had been reunited. They were practically joined at the hip. Basil was a little confused at first as to why Tony shut down the weapons department but once he explained everything that happened to him in the cave, she understood just fine.

Basil was just fiddling with her song book and ukulele when Jarvis interrupted.

"Ms. Basil, Mr. Stark would like you to come down to the lab"

"Tell him I'm on my way Jarvis"

With that she closed her book and set her ukulele down on her bed. She made her way downstairs and punched in her code. She could see Tony fidgeting with some tec that she couldn't quite make out.

"Hey dad what's up?"

"Well you remember how I told you that I made a suit to escape"


"What if I told you I want you to help me make another one"


"Ya, I mean you are almost as smart as me, almost and you have super cool powers if anything goes wrong. And maybe just maybe we can make you a cool combat suit as well"

"That would be awesome"

"Well then my little flower let's get to building a suit"

The father daughter duo spent most of their time in the lab together working on Tony's suit. Basil help to fix a lot of his problems including his little situation with flying and icing. She thought it was quite funny when he ran into a wall during his test run but Tony just glared at his laughing daughter. The two have never been closer then they were these past weeks.

Everything has been going great even tho the infamous Obadiah Stain payed them a surprise visit. That man has always gave Basil a bad feeling and when ever Basil had a bad feeling they always came true, just another perk of her powers.

One night while the two were working they turned on the news to find out that they never got invited to a party thrown on their behalf. So they thought it would be a nice surprise if they put their work aside and made an spontaneous appearance.

^Basil's dress (I know it's a bit extra but what do you expect she is a Stark after all) and if you don't like it just imagine something else

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^Basil's dress (I know it's a bit extra but what do you expect she is a Stark after all) and if you don't like it just imagine something else.

Basil quickly put on one of her cocktail dresses and did her hair and makeup. Meeting her dad in one of his many sports cars and sped off to the party.

Once they got there the paparazzi went crazy. Being the "gentleman" that her father is he opened the door for her and helped her out. They were greeted by lots of flashes and surprised looks from most people. But the person with the most surprised and angry face was none other than Obadiah Stain.

Tony led Basil into the main lobby and then broke off to get himself a drink. Basil always loved the dressing up aspect of these functions but never really the mingling part. Yes she knew of people in the room but we're they interesting to her? The answer is no they aren't. All they want is to weasel their way into Tony's checkbook. So Basil just stayed to the side and observed.

Sometimes she would humor herself by making someone's drink fall off the table, spill on an unsuspecting victim, or even set them on fire. It was quite amusing to her watching the persons very confused face when things like that would happen. But she was also very careful to make sure no one noticed.

Then she spotted a very familiar and welcoming face from across the room. She made her way over to him,

"Phil! What do I owe the pleasure of you being here tonight" Basil exclaimed as she brought her friend and boss into a hug.

"I'm just here to try and consolidate an appointment with your father"

"Well that may be quite hard since my father has a short attention span when it comes to actual work that he doesn't choose to do"

"Yes that is what I have found out. Also, Basil, when do you think you will be joining us back at headquarters? I hear that you are close to making the team"

"Well, my dad and I are just finishing some stuff up together so I suspect soon but I still want to have time with him before I throw myself back into real life."

"I whole heartily understand. Take all the time you need. The positing will waiting for you when you get back."

"Thanks Phil, and also can you please send my love to Clint and Nat when you see them again."

"It would be my pleasure. Well Basil I must be off. It was good seeing you"

"You as well. Take care Phil. See you soon"

Phil left with a smile. Then Basil saw her dad being bombarded by the blond reporter. So she decided to be a good daughter and go save her dad. But once she got over there her dad was already walking to the exit. She caught up to him and was just about to ask what was going on when they ran into Obadiah Stain.

Tony questioned him about dealing under the table and Obadiah just suggested a photo. He made sure that it was just him and Tony because he knew of Basil's suspension of him.

Basil could tell by her dads face that what Obi said to him was bad. Like very bad. She didn't want to let Obi walk away but she also didn't want to make a scene. So instead she just made him trip over his feet and land on his face.

Her dad was still is a little bit of shock but they got in the car and drove home. But Basil was not ready for her dad to tell her what Obi told him.

Obadiah Stain was the one who got her father kidnapped.

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