05 Bleach Please

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“Seriously, I am not going food shopping with either of you two again. Your as bad as each other. I mean come on we hardly brought anything edible”

“Ahh take a Chill Pill Emz, we can mange on a liquid diet” Johnny laughed as we pulled up on the drive. I was too engrossed in a conversation that it took me a few moments to notice that Matts car had magically arrived back on the driveway, next to where we had pulled up.

“Right!” I got out of the car, not bothering to help the guys with the bags of bottles from the boot of the car, I was too concerned as to finding out the location of the missing person.

I quietly pushed open the back door and headed into the front room where I was half expecting Matt and Roxy to both be sitting. No sign of them. Movement came from above my head, indicating that someone was upstairs.

I snuck up the stairs into mine and Roxys room. No one was in there, but I did notice her bag was thrown onto her bed sheets. Hmm.

No one was in the bathroom and that’s when I noticed Matts door was shut. I knocked gently on it. There was no response. I gently undid the door handle and peeked into the room. Gosh did I regret doing that. I closed the door as quietly as I could and turned round, to Brian standing right behind me, making me jump out of my skin.

“Whats happening?”

“Shhhh” I hissed at him.


I grabbed hold of Bri’s wrist and pulled him into mine and Roxys room closing the door behind us. He stood there looking at me.

“I need bleach!”

“huh, What you on about”

“for my eyes,”


“Why do you think!” I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

“oooo, they are getting their groove on! Nice!”

“Brian! It’s not nice at all, I’ve just seen my best friend ’doing it’”

Brian turned back to the door “I’m gonna go peek.” He smirked. Earning him a slap on the arm.

“You’ll do no such thing Mr!” He turned back to face me.

“Oh and what are you going to do to stop me?” He walked towards me, smirking even more.

“EMZ! BRIAN! Where the hell have you both gone!” Johnny yelled up the stairs.

Brian laughed, “your bro wont save you next time babe”

I gave him a smug grin and headed downstairs to see Johnny.

“Emz, what were you both doing upstairs?” He questioned me.

“Nothing I went upstairs to see where Roxy and Matt were”


“And they are both ‘Busy’” I said making air quotation marks.

“Well they both move quick.” Johnny quickly decided to change the subject, “Have you decided if your coming to watch us play tonight?”

“Oh yeah, most definitely. I really wanna hear and see you guys play.” He smiled as I grabbed a beer and headed off into the front room.

I sat and watched some Family Guy. Brian and Johnny were in the kitchen talking about the set they were going to play tonight. Matt and Roxy were still upstairs, the shower had since been on, so at least there was movement.

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