19 Frustration

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.::. FFW 2 Months .::.
"Zacky it's not my fault. These things just don't happen over night you know!" I was frustrated. Zacky had become obsessed with the idea of being a dad.
Arguments were happening all the time because I wasn't pregnant yet.
"Yeah well you got pregnant before, so what’s different now?" Zacky said throwing yet another pregnancy test in the bin. He was making me do them daily.
"As i bloody said these things just happen!"
"Whatever, I’m going to the bar!"
"yeah you do that. Go and kill your sperm before we've even had kids!" He slammed the door before driving off.
"GAAAHHHH" I let out a little scream of frustration. I loved Zacky to bits but sometimes he was just so god dam selfish. I needed to get out of this house!
I still didn't want to drive, I wasn't fully over the crash. I tried calling Roxy but her and Matt had taken Harmony to see her Grandma. Jimmy and Johnny were at the bar, now joined with Zacky.
Brian i thought before looking through my contacts, finding his number and began calling him. It didn't take him that long to answer.
"Wassup Rhino?"
"Hey Brian"
"My god it's been so long since I’ve spoken to you. I thought I’d done something wrong."
"Don't be silly Bri. I told you last time how Zacky has been. And lately he has just been worse. I'm so frustrated Brian!" Tears began to swell up in my eyes, and my voice croaked a little.
"Oh Babe. Want me to come pick you up?"
"Please." I wiped the now falling tears from my face.
"Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can Rhino." He hung up the phone. I could always rely on Brian. I went found my jacket and purse and sat outside the front doorstep.
Brian wasn't long. He pulled up out the front of the house in his Black Mustang. I hopped in. Hugging him tightly.
"Come on. Let's go back to mine" I simply nodded, putting on my seatbelt.
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.::. @ Brians .::.
"So, ya gonna tell me what’s up?" Brian asked passing me a JD and Coke.
"Zacky, is what’s up"
"What now?"
"Well he's obsessed with the idea of us having a baby. He won't let me leave the house or anything. And he's getting frustrated because I’m not getting pregnant. I mean surely it shouldn't feel like a chore!?"
"Well I would never say sex is a chore" he grinned "But I know what you mean babe. Have you told him how your feeling?"
"Yeah I have. But does he listen NO."
"Where is he anyway?"
"He's fucked off down the bar with J&J"
"Nice. Want another?" he pointed towards my drink which I had literally shot down. I held out the glass to him as a yes. He went into the kitchen to grab another.
I looked around the room, you could tell he hadn't been living here. There was dust on dust. He brought me back another drink along with the bottle of JD and a bottle of coke. He sat down next to me.
I lent in and hugged him. "I've missed you Brian. I haven't seen any of you in like a month."
"I know, I’ve missed you too Rhino" he put his arm around my shoulder "How are you feeling in yourself since the accident anyway?"
"Still sore. And i'm defiantly not driving any time soon."
We just say there in silence for a good half an hour. My head on Brians chest and him playing with my hair, I missed his soft touch. It was the first time in a long while I have felt relaxed and comfortable.
"Wanna watch a DVD?" I nodded as he gently sat me up. "I've got you some more cookie ice cream too" My face lit up.
"Brian have I ever told you how amazing you are?" he laughed walking into the kitchen.
The evening was drawing in slowly as we sat eating ice cream and drinking JD.
"What time you wanna go back Rhino?" I groaned
"Oh great, back to the frustration"
"You don't have to go, you know your always welcome to stay here with me."
"Yeah but you know full well what Zacky will be like."
"Well let me call him. Say you need a break or something."
"You can try" I said helping myself to another drink before Brian left the room to phone Zacky.
I felt so confused, the alcohol was making my brain work overtime. Did I really want kids with Zacky if this was how he was going to act? Plus not to mention his frequent visits to the bar, when I wasn't allowed to drink. Fuck him, tonight I can drink. I shot down my current drink before pouring yet another.
In walked Brian. Wonderful Brian, I missed this guy so freaking much. "Well looks like my lil miss Rhino is staying with me tonight"
"What! How?" I asked looking shocked.
"Well, I didn't actually speak to Zacky. He was too drunk. Johnny has taken him back to the lads house for the night."
"Typical. And he says I’m not allowed to drink!"
"Well i'm afraid to say, I’ve got a bottle of Jagermeister hiding away in the cupboard."
"Mr Haner are you trying to get me drunk. Again?" I laughed
"Not at all. I just know you need to let your hair down! Now come here." He said hugging me.
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"Brian your a little bit more drunk than me" I slurred taking another shot.
"Nuuuhh huuuhh. Your the drunkest one!" he said pointing at me, his finger right in front of me. So I bit it gently "Kinky Bitch"
"You love it!" I giggled.
"Yea I do Rhino," He looked me in the eye, and kissed my lips sweetly "But not as much as I love you"

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