22 And Another Surprise

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'Breakfast in bed Mrs Vengeance to be' Zacky sang cheerfully as he walked into the bedroom holding a tray of yummy smelling food. I still haven't got over the shock of Zacky proposing to me the night before, and I was certainly tired from the nights events after we had arrived back at our hotel room.
'Why thank you, now get your scrummy body back into bed' I said patting the side of the bed next to me. Zacky shook his head.
'Nuh huh, you're going to eat your breakfast then get yourself dressed miss. I have another surprise for you!' My face lit up.
'Ohhh what is it?' I smiled sweetly at him, giving him my best attempted at puppy dog eyes.
'You're just going to have to wait an see, as I said it's a surprise' He placed the tray of food next to me before leaving the room to take a shower.
I leaned over to the bed side table to look for my phone so I could ring or text Roxy about becoming engaged, but I noticed my phone was no longer there, I got up and searched my bag, again it wasn't there.
'Zacky I can't find my phone!' I shouted into the bathroom. It took him quite a while to respond.
'I've not seen it babe' Blatantly a lie, I could just tell by the tone of his voice. But I was in too much of a good mood to start an argument with him over my missing phone.
After Zacky had finished in the shower I had scoffed down my breakfast and made my way to take a shower and also find an outfit to wear for the day. As I opened my bag, there was another note from Roxy, 'Wear this today, it's prewwty like you' on top of a beautiful pink and black corset dress. I applied my usually Smokey make up, and decided to put my hair up for once.
I exited the bathroom only to be engulfed in the hugest hug ever.
'You look stunning Emz.' Zacky said gently pushing me away so he could take in the sight of me fully.
'Thanks, it's beautiful isn't it, I just don't understand why Roxy has gone through all off this trouble for ickle me?' It was true I don't understand why she had made so much effort for a holiday, then it clicked!
'You told Roxy you were going to propose to me didn't you?' I pointed my finger at Zacky who swiftly made to the nearest possible exit.
'Gahhhh, wait till I get my hands on you Mr Baker' I laughed as he left the room. He knew I wasn't mad, I just don't like people planning things for me.
I made my way out to the balcony to take in the scenery and to get some fresh air. Zacky had been gone close to 45 minutes now and hadn't reappeared or even told me where he was going.
It was nearing to 3pm, when I heard the familiar sound of Slipknots Wait 'n Bleed. My Phones ring tone. I found it placed on the table next to the door through which Zacky had left previously. It was Zacky,
'Hey are you getting that pretty ass of yours out of the room today, I'm waiting in the bar for you'
With that I heard the 'click' and the line die knowing full well he had hung up the phone on me. I grabbed my side bag, hotel keys and my phone, leaving the room and heading down through the lobby to the bar area, where after looking in, I stopped dead in my tracks.
'OH MY LORD' I screamed as Roxy ran at me leaping into my arms 'What on hell are you guys doing here?' I laughed as more people involved themselves in the huge group hug. Including a person I didn't recognise.
'Emz, we missed you and we came to celebrate' Johnny pulled me out of the large crowd, as I looked over to Zacky who just shrugged a smiled his cheeky grin 'I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Lindsay.' Johnny called over Lindsay. A pretty red headed girl stepped out of the crowd and waved over at me, I happily walked over and took her into a small friendly hug,
'Nice to meet you' She spoke softly,
'You to hun, Johnny sure kept you quiet' We laughed causing Johnny to blush slightly.
'And that’s Brians new girlfriend, Vickie' Johnny pointed over to Brian who has his tongue stuck down a tall skinny blond women’s throat. I couldn't help feel slightly jealous. Not 2 days ago was Brian saying he loved me, now he brings a whore along to rub it in my face. I looked away and to Roxy who simply mouthed 'tell you later'
Jimmy walked back over to us after going to grab a few bottles of champers. 'To the happy couple' He lifted his glass and everyone else followed bar Brian and Vickie.
'To the happy couple' Every one said before sipping on their drinks.
Soon we found ourselves in a large casino further down the strip to the hotel. I chatted to Roxy and Matt for what seemed like ages. Harmony was staying with her Grandma back as home, so Roxy was slightly upset as it was the first time of being away from her daughter. Matt left us both to talk as he went to join the rest of the group at a roulette table.
'So what’s the deal with Brian?' I asked with a slightly pissed tone.
'Well, after you left him the other night he came over to see me, he told me that he had spilt that his feelings to you and that you just left'
'Well it was a shock' I shrugged.
She nodded, 'I bet. He really does like you so much, he's just hurting right now, especially when he heard about your engagement it was like his heart sank, and Vickie is just a thing to make you jealous i think. I've seen him he can't stand being alone with her.' I laughed. 'Anyway let me see the ring on you, when Zacky showed me it was gorgeous' Roxy quickly clamped her mouth shut with her hands and I looked at her with evil eyes.
'YOU knew!?' she simply nodded as I slapped her slightly 'Bitch' we both laughed and walked over to the bar to get some drinks.
God only knows how much money the guys has wasted between them at the casino. It soon became apparent that me, Rox and Lindsay were going to have the drag the boys out.
'Club?' Lindsay suggested.
'I think you've hit the nail on the head with that one hun' Rox replied.

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