23 Ditch The B*tch

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.::.FFW to club.::.
'I haven't had this much fun in ages' Rox slurred, she was wasted, mind it was her first night out drinking since Harm was born, she deserved it, 'Now where's my Mr sexy daddy shadz!' she stumbled over to find an equally drunk Matt, In fact the only soberish ones were me and Lindsay, Which was quite nice cause we had a good girly chat and got to know a bit more about each other.
I hadn't seen anything of Brian since we left the casino, which was good in a way, but I missed him being about.
Zacky appeared next to me, 'I loves you sooooo much!' he could hardly stand straight he was so drunk 'you're gonna be my wife for life soon' he laughed. Zacky drunk in a good mood was far too cute.
'Time to get you to bed Mr!' I laughed as I signalled to everyone that it was time to go. Thank god it wasn't too far to walk,
Zacky passed out on the bed as soon as he fell onto it. I laid next to him for a good while trying to fall asleep, but it just wasn't happening.
I decided to head downstairs to the pool side to chill out for some alone time.
I plonked myself down on the sun lounger.
It was nice to be able to sit in the quite and enjoy the nights sky. Feels like I haven't had 5 minutes to myself in a long while. I pulled my phone out of my bag and flicked through the photos I had taken over the last year since moving in with guys, and smiled to myself as I came across a photo of the first night me and Rox had met everyone, when we went out for a group meal.
I heard someone take residence on the lounger next to mine, distracting me from my thoughts, I looked over to try and see who it was.
'Brian?' I looked over at him, but he didn't raise his head to look at me. I slowly got of my seat and walked over to him, kneeling next to his lounger.
'Brian?' I softly whispered taking my hand and brushing a lock of hair out of his face. I notice him smile slightly as he lifted his hand and placed it on my, making my hand cup the side of his face.
'I'm sorry' he mumbled. 'About the other night, about that girl.' he looked up at me the moonlight showing the tears forming in the bottom of his eyes.
'Oh Brian you're a silly sod!' I laughed pulling him into a hug. He hesitated slightly before hugging me back. 'Forgive me for running out on you? you just surprised me with what you said'
'Of course I do, I was out of line to say what I said anyway. forgive me Rhino?' He pulled me tighter to him, kissing my cheek. I pulled away from him slightly looking back into his eyes
'Mr Haner, you mean too much to me for me never to forgive you. I’m glad you told me how you feel. Just one thing though? 'He looked at me 'Ditch the Bitch. And yeah I’ll admit it made me jealous!' he laughed and nodded.
'That’s how it feels to see you and Zacky so happy' he whispered to himself.We both made our way back into the hotel. He walked me to my room and turned me to face him. 'Night babe, I'll see you in the morning' he smiled kissing me gently and lovingly before walking away,
'Night' I said after him, watching him walk away. When he had disappeared from view I wanted to be back with him. Back in his warm embrace. Instead I had to make do with opening the door to a snoring Zacky.

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